
In: Computer Science

No Global variables No goto statement No break outside switch Write a menu driven C program...

No Global variables

No goto statement

No break outside switch

Write a menu driven C program using functions and switch. Feel free to use “Empty Outlines” template from Canvas to design the functions as needed to build the code. Make sure to submit your work through Canvas. You can show me your code running in class when you are done.

The program shows following menu to the user repetitively until user selects option 3 to exit.

  1. Circle
  2. Triangle
  3. Exit

Based on the selected menu option, it asks the user for the following things -

  • Option 1 - asks for radius of a circle and then display its area in square units
  • Option 2 - asks for base and height of a triangle and then displays its area in square units.

You need to design functions such that each one accomplishes one task only. Please ask if you have any questions or need clarification about the specifications.

Area of circle = 3.14 * radius *radius

Area of triangle = 0.5 * base * height

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main() {
   printf("Please select from the following menu options:\n");
   int choice, num, result, num1;
   printf("Press 1 for circle\n");
   printf("Press 2 for triangle\n");
   printf("Press 3 to exit\n");
   choice = input();
   switch (choice) {
   case 1: {
       printf("Enter radius:\n");
       num = input();
       int result = 3.14 * num * num;
       printf("Area of sphere=");
   case 2: {
       printf("Enter the base of the triangle:\n");
       num = input();
       printf("Enter the height of the triangle:\n");
       num1 = input();
       int result = 0.5 * num1 * num;
       printf("The area of the trangle is:\n");
   case 3: {
       printf("Thank you for calculating with us\n");
       printf("wrong Input\n");


Expert Solution

Dear Student,

Below i have write the complete C program as per the requirement.




//function to calculate area of circle

double Cal_Circle_Area(double r)


double A = 3.14 * r;

return A;


//function to calculate the area of triangle

double Cal_Triangle_Area(double b, double h)


double A = 0.5 * b * h;

return A;


double get_radiues()

double r;

printf("Enter the radius of the circle: ");

scanf("%lf", &r);

return r;


//function to get the base

double get_base()

double b;

printf("Enter the base of the triange: ");

scanf("%lf", &b);

return b;


//function to get the height

double get_height()


double h;
printf("Enter the height of the triangle: ");

scanf("%lf", &h);

return h;


//start of main

int main()



double r, base, height, A;

int choice;

//display the menu

printf("Please select from the following menu options:\n");
printf("Press 1 for circle\n");
printf("Press 2 for triangle\n");
printf("Press 3 to exit\n");

scanf("%d", &choice);

//switch the choice



//case 1

case 1:  
    r = get_radiues();
    A = Cal_Circle_Area(r);
    printf("Area of circle is: %0.2f\n", A);

//case 2

case 2:
    base = get_base();
    height = get_height();
    A = Cal_Triangle_Area(base, height);
    printf("Area of triangle is: %0.2f\n", A);

//case 3

case 3:
    printf("Thank you!\n");

printf("wrong input\n");


return 0;


//end of the main function


Sample Output:


Kindly Check and Verify Thanks..!!!

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