In: Economics
Question is about Competition Law and Policy economic major.
What are vertical restraints? Give three reasons for the existence of vertical restraints.
Vertical constraints are the restrictions over competition
between firms and individuals at different levels of production and
distribution process. Vertical constraints are in different forms
like ranging from requirements that dealer’s acceptance towards the
returns of the manufacture products, maintenance of the resale
prices or the level of maximum price that dealers charge over
manufactures products. The most famous method used here is the
resale price maintenance (RPM). Most of the distributor’s market
power limited by intra brand competition.
The major reasons for the adoption of these vertical constraints
are to limit the number of retailers to ensure the sufficient
margin of the earning of retailers. These constraints will reduce
the transaction cost between firms and individuals. There is a need
of signalling for high quality products in the market and also
wished for the signalling of status goods. There is also tried to
prevent the free riding problem between the firms within the
market. The protection of brand name of that particular firm. This
status maintenance will helps to increase the demand in the