
In: Nursing

The patient is concerned he has not had a bowel movement for four days and states,...

The patient is concerned he has not had a bowel movement for four days and states, “my belly is getting bigger” and uncomfortable.

  1. What additional symptoms should the nurse ask about?
  2. Identify five relevant health history questions the nurse should ask the patient about? (5marks)
  3. Describe 2 of the 4 steps of the assessment; (inspection, auscultation, percussion and palpation) Give 5 characteristics of each for this client.


Expert Solution

Question no 1) Additional symptoms that she should ask for

Are you paless than 3 stool per week?

Are you having lumpy and hard stools.

Do you have to strain a lot for bowel movements.

Do you feel like there is a blockage in rectum that causes prevention of bowel movements.

Do you feel like you cannot completely empty the stool from rectum.

Question no 2) relevant health questions that she should ask

  • Did this start all of a sudden?
  • What is your diet
  • Did you change your diet recently
  • How much is your fluid intake
  • Are you having pain in abdomen
  • Does blood stains come during defection
  • What is the colour and characteristics of stool

Question no 3)


  • The general contour of abdome is observed
  • Check for distended abdomen
  • If distending is localized or generalized
  • Check flank for distention
  • Check for any skin abnormalities
  • Look for stretch mark
  • Inspection for masses or stool marks


  • Check for 3 minutes bowel sounds
  • Abdomina bruirs shoul be checked
  • Auscultation in all the quadrant of stomach is needed
  • Any abnormal sound should be checked properly
  • If no abdominal sounds means constipation has prognosed

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