
In: Psychology

Case Scenario Sam is a twenty-eight-year-old man who has lately been drinking a lot. He is...

Case Scenario

Sam is a twenty-eight-year-old man who has lately been drinking a lot. He is also seeing a counselor, whom he told that his alcohol consumption has increased because he wants to regain the buzz in his life. He confessed that all his attempts to go without drinking had failed in only about four days of remaining sober. He also mentioned that when he attempted to refrain from drinking, he experienced mood swings, stomach irritation, and sleeplessness, but denied having tremors or shakes. However, Sam denied undergoing any prior treatment for alcoholism.

Sam told his counselor that he recently broke up with his girlfriend after he had two nearly fatal car accidents in the last six months. Both happened because he had been drinking heavily. However, Sam believes that their breakup was a result of his girlfriend overreacting after the accidents. Sam knows that he was a teenager when he lost his father due to alcoholism and that his uncle is facing serious medical complications due to his drinking.

Using the DSM-V criterion, what would Sam’s diagnosis be? What intensity level (i.e., mild, moderate, or severe) would he be? Be sure to explain the diagnosis fully, including the concepts of withdrawal, tolerance, physical dependence, comorbidity, and psychological dependence.


Expert Solution


Sam diagnosed with substance use disorder with reference DSM-V Here Sam takes larger amount of substance like alcohol for longer period of time. There is lots unsuccessful effort to withdraw himself from this addiction. Besides it also have found that , Sam have continuously suffred with social and interpersonal problem which result with break up his girlfriend . But still he dependent of drinking and continue it . There is another criteria use the substance inspite aware of negetive impact . Similarly Sam here aware about consequences it from his father and uncle but still he consistently taking drink. He also show that how much have tolerance . For example , while he detained from drinking , he becomes more illness , sleepless and stomach irritation . It means he can't tolerate it without drinking .he physically also dependent with alchohol. He show excessive amount of time with acquisition of drinking . Psychologicallly also unstable because of heavy drink and showing mood swings disorder and did two times car accident . It means is not enough mental healthy person.

so , he covered 6-11 criteria to become diagnosed with severe substance use disorder .

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