
In: Operations Management

___________ refers to determining what information is needed and how that information can be obtained efficiently...

  1. ___________ refers to determining what information is needed and how that information can be obtained efficiently and effectively.


    The marketing research objective


    Secondary data


    The marketing research problem


    The management decision problem

4 points   


  1. Compared to face-to-face focus groups, online focus groups _________________.


    incur higher costs.


    have low participation rates.


    access hard-to-recruit subjects.


    have a narrow geographic scope.

4 points   


  1. When conducting marketing research projects, which of the following statements is true of secondary data?


    It doesn’t provide detailed information to the researcher to help him make decisions.


    It can result in loss of time and money.


    It refers to information collected for the first time.


    It can suggest research methods needed for solving a problem.

4 points   


  1. Which of the following statements is true of nonprobability samples?


    In a nonprobability sample, the probability of selection of each sampling unit is not known.


    Nonprobability samples are expensive.


    Nonprobability samples cannot be used in marketing research.


    In a nonprobability sample, every element has a known statistical likelihood of being selected.

4 points   


  1. _____ is a system for gathering information from respondents by continuously monitoring the advertising, promotion, and pricing they are exposed to and the things they buy.


    A Web survey system


    Scanner-based research


    An online focus group


    Online research communities

4 points   


  1. Why do marketers segment their markets and what are the basic criteria for doing so successfully?


    Segments must be composed of people with different characteristics.


    Segments must be divided according to the North American Industry Classification System.


    Segments must be composed of people with different product needs.


    Segments must be large enough to warrant developing and maintaining a special marketing mix.

4 points   


  1. Chipotle has become popular with a variety of people. It recently identified a primary customer segment in Millennials. To win over this demographic group, traditional media is less authentic in the perception of Millennials, therefore, Chipotle does not use traditional media, and its marketing and promotion focus on maintaining a large online and social media presence. Here Chipotle is likely to use:


    concentrated targeting.


    differentiated marketing.


    multisegment targeting.


    undifferentiated targeting.

4 points   


  1. To develop a successful segmentation scheme, marketers gather data about the population within specific geographic boundaries, the number of people in various age categories, and other social and demographic characteristics. This example describes which of the four basic criteria used to develop useful segment schemes?


    Identifiability and measurability







4 points   


  1. Gamers’ Page is a magazine that primarily caters to people who are enthusiastic about sports and who enjoy gaming. In this scenario, the editorial board of Gamers’ Page uses _____.


    family life cycle segmentation


    gender segmentation


    geographic segmentation


    psychographic segmentation

4 points   


  1. Chipotle stated they were "in the market for Mexican food" by competing on quality instead of price. Chipotle is a company that prides itself on serving “food with integrity.” Which mass market targeting strategy did it use when entering the market?


    Concentrated targeting


    Differentiated marketing


    Undifferentiated targeting


    Multisegment targeting


Expert Solution

1. d. The marketing decision problem

The marketing research objective consists of the main goal of the research. While secondary data is the data collected by someone else. It is used in marketing research. Marketing research problem is the defining of the actual problem being faced.

The marketing decision problem entails what information is required and where and how can it be obtained.

2. c.access hard-to-recruit subjects.

Online focus groups incur less costs as compared to face- to-face focus groups. Also, they have wider geographic scope and higher participation rates due to better connectivity. Therefore it is easier to recruit subjects.

3. a . it doesn’t provide detailed information to the researcher to help him make decisions.

Secondary data is collected from the primary data collected by someone else. Therefore, there is a chance that some of the important data may be lost. Also it secondary data collection is less expensive as compared to primary data collection.

4. a. In a nonprobability sample, the probability of selection of each sampling unit is not known.

In a nonprobability sampling method, sample is selected on basis of subjective judgement or assumption and not on the basis of random sampling where each sample has equal opportunity to be selected for sampling.

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