
In: Statistics and Probability

Q4. Calculate the mean difference in scores (After - Before) and the sample variance of the difference.

ID After Before
1 1230 1074
2 1090 1039
3 1028 1004
4 1230 1154
5 1200 1144
6 1030 974
7 1220 1174
8 1085 1134
9 1000 1094
10 1320 1174
11 1075 1004
12 1040 1014
13 1030 1114
14 1110 1134
15 995 1079
16 1160 1184
17 1250 1254
18 1000 994
19 1110 1024
20 1045 1004
21 925 884
22 1005 1044
23 1150 1054
24 1015 1019
25 980 934
Q4. Calculate the mean difference in scores (After - Before) and the sample variance of the difference.
Mean Difference ==>
Sample Variance of Difference ==>
Q5. Calculate the LCL and UCL for a 90% CI (α = 0.1) for the mean difference in scores.
LCL ==>
UCL ==>
Based on this 90% interval, would you say the prep course improved scores (Yes/No)
Q6. Calculate the LCL and UCL for a 95% CI (α = 0.05) for the mean difference in scores.
LCL ==>
UCL ==>
Based on this 95% interval, would you say the prep course improved scores (Yes/No)


Expert Solution

Number Before After Difference
1074 1230 -156 17234.4384
1039 1090 -51 690.6384
1004 1028 -24 0.5184
1154 1230 -76 2629.6384
1144 1200 -56 978.4384
974 1030 -56 978.4384
1174 1220 -46 452.8384
1134 1085 49 5434.6384
1094 1000 94 14094.4384
1174 1320 -146 14708.8384
1004 1075 -71 2141.8384
1014 1040 -26 1.6384
1114 1030 84 11820.0384
1134 1110 24 2373.6384
1079 995 84 11820.0384
1184 1160 24 2373.6384
1254 1250 4 824.8384
994 1000 -6 350.4384
1024 1110 -86 3755.2384
1004 1045 -41 265.0384
884 925 -41 265.0384
1044 1005 39 4060.2384
1054 1150 -96 5080.8384
1019 1015 4 824.8384
934 980 -46 452.8384
Total 26705 27323 -618 103613.04

Question 4

Question 5

Confidence Interval :-

Lower Limit =
Lower Limit = -47.2027
Upper Limit =
Upper Limit = -2.2373
90% Confidence interval is ( -47.2027 , -2.2373 )
Since CI values are in negative, we would say the prep course improved.

Question 6

Confidence Interval :-

Lower Limit =
Lower Limit = -51.8417
Upper Limit =
Upper Limit = 2.4017
95% Confidence interval is ( -51.8417 , 2.4017 )
Since CI contain 0, we would say the prep course does not improved.

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