
In: Statistics and Probability

Date Apple Close Price Monthly Return 11/1/13 76.825317 7.01% 12/2/13 77.509201 0.89% 1/2/14 69.161713 -10.77% 2/3/14...

Date Apple Close Price Monthly Return
11/1/13 76.825317 7.01%
12/2/13 77.509201 0.89%
1/2/14 69.161713 -10.77%
2/3/14 73.139267 5.75%
3/3/14 74.59861 2.00%
4/1/14 82.013435 9.94%
5/1/14 88.468651 7.87%
6/2/14 90.915863 2.77%
7/1/14 93.527992 2.87%
8/1/14 100.777245 7.75%
9/2/14 99.056656 -1.71%
10/1/14 106.184807 7.20%
11/3/14 117.438133 10.60%
12/1/14 108.995377 -7.19%
1/2/15 115.690338 6.14%
2/2/15 127.34922 10.08%
3/2/15 123.354057 -3.14%
4/1/15 124.067833 0.58%
5/1/15 129.692947 4.53%
6/1/15 124.864807 -3.72%
7/1/15 120.753418 -3.29%
8/3/15 112.760002 -6.62%
9/1/15 110.300003 -2.18%
10/1/15 111.730003 1.30%
Calculate the following sample statistics for the "Monthly Return" Variable:
Sample size n ==>
Sample Mean X-Bar ==>
Sample Variance S2 ==>
Q3. Based on these sample statistics, calculate the LCL and UCL for a 95% confidence intercal of the mean monthly return.
a. LCL ==>
b. UCL ==>


Expert Solution

Here sample size is n=24

Sample mean is

Create the following table.

data data-mean (data - mean)2
7.01 4.9825 24.82530625
0.89 -1.1375 1.29390625
-10.77 -12.7975 163.77600625
5.75 3.7225 13.85700625
2 -0.0275 0.00075625
9.94 7.9125 62.60765625
7.87 5.8425 34.13480625
2.77 0.7425 0.55130625
2.87 0.8425 0.70980625
7.75 5.7225 32.74700625
-1.71 -3.7375 13.96890625
7.2 5.1725 26.75475625
10.6 8.5725 73.48775625
-7.19 -9.2175 84.96230625
6.14 4.1125 16.91265625
10.08 8.0525 64.84275625
-3.14 -5.1675 26.70305625
0.58 -1.4475 2.09525625
4.53 2.5025 6.26250625
-3.72 -5.7475 33.03375625
-3.29 -5.3175 28.27580625
-6.62 -8.6475 74.77925625
-2.18 -4.2075 17.70305625
1.3 -0.7275 0.52925625

Find the sum of numbers in the last column to get.

Now to find CI, let us assume that distribution is normal, as n<30 we will use t distribution

So t table value for 95% CI is 2.069

Hence Margin of Error is

So CI is

Hence LCL =-0.4708

& UCL=4.5258

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