
In: Computer Science

Implement the Matrix Multiplication in Algol-68. I recommend using Algol 68 Genie for your interpreter/compiler.  

Implement the Matrix Multiplication in Algol-68. I recommend using Algol 68 Genie for your interpreter/compiler.  


Expert Solution

An example of user defined Vector and Matrix Multiplication Operators using algol-68genie:
MODE FIELD = LONG REAL; # field type is LONG REAL #
INT default upb:=3;
MODE VECTOR = [default upb]FIELD;
MODE MATRIX = [default upb,default upb]FIELD;
# crude exception handling #
PROC VOID raise index error := VOID: GOTO exception index error;
# define the vector/matrix operators #
OP * = (VECTOR a,b)FIELD: ( # basically the dot product #
    FIELD result:=0;
    IF LWB a/=LWB b OR UPB a/=UPB b THEN raise index error FI;
    FOR i FROM LWB a TO UPB a DO result+:= a[i]*b[i] OD;
 OP * = (VECTOR a, MATRIX b)VECTOR: ( # overload vector times matrix #
    [2 LWB b:2 UPB b]FIELD result;
    IF LWB a/=LWB b OR UPB a/=UPB b THEN raise index error FI;
    FOR j FROM 2 LWB b TO 2 UPB b DO result[j]:=a*b[,j] OD;
# this is the task portion #
OP * = (MATRIX a, b)MATRIX: ( # overload matrix times matrix #
    [LWB a:UPB a, 2 LWB b:2 UPB b]FIELD result;
    IF 2 LWB a/=LWB b OR 2 UPB a/=UPB b THEN raise index error FI;
    FOR k FROM LWB result TO UPB result DO result[k,]:=a[k,]*b OD;
 # Some sample matrices to test #
  MATRIX a=((1,  1,  1,   1), # matrix A #
            (2,  4,  8,  16),
            (3,  9, 27,  81),
            (4, 16, 64, 256));
  MATRIX b=((  4  , -3  ,  4/3,  -1/4 ), # matrix B #
            (-13/3, 19/4, -7/3,  11/24),
            (  3/2, -2  ,  7/6,  -1/4 ),
            ( -1/6,  1/4, -1/6,   1/24));
  MATRIX prod = a * b; # actual multiplication example of A x B #
  FORMAT real fmt = $g(-6,2)$; # width of 6, with no '+' sign, 2 decimals #
  PROC real matrix printf= (FORMAT real fmt, MATRIX m)VOID:(
    FORMAT vector fmt = $"("n(2 UPB m-1)(f(real fmt)",")f(real fmt)")"$;
    FORMAT matrix fmt = $x"("n(UPB m-1)(f(vector fmt)","lxx)f(vector fmt)");"$;
    # finally print the result #
    printf((matrix fmt,m))
  # finally print the result #
  print(("Product of a and b: ",new line));
  real matrix printf(real fmt, prod)
  exception index error: 
    putf(stand error, $x"Exception: index error."l$)

Strassen matrix multiplication:

( #
    Strassen's O(n^log2(7)) matrix multiplication algorithm
    L.Allison  wacsvax  UWA  26 June 1984
    Dept. Computer Science, Monash University, Australia #

OP * = ([,] INT a,b) [,]INT:
 IF INT all=1 UPB a; all = 1 LWB a THEN # 1x1 #
 ELSE # nxn #
   INT half = all % 2;                      # i.e. all div 2 #

   [,]INT a11=a[1:half,1:half],             # i.e. top left quarter of a #
          a12=a[1:half,half+1:all],         # top right #
          a21=a[half+1:all,1:half],         # etc. #


   LOC[1:all,1:all]INT c;                   # c will become a*b #
   REF[,]INT c11=c[1:half,1:half],

   [,]INT m1=(a12-a22)*(b21+b22),           # NB. only 7 [,]*[,] #


   c                                        # i.e. return c #

OP + = ([,]INT a,b)[,]INT:
 ( [1:1 UPB a, 1:2 UPB a]INT c;
   FOR i TO 1 UPB a DO
      FOR j TO 2 UPB a DO

OP - = ([,]INT a,b)[,]INT:
 ( [1:1 UPB a, 1:2 UPB a]INT c;
   FOR i TO 1 UPB a DO
      FOR j TO 2 UPB a DO

PROC show = ([,]INT a)VOID:
 ( print(newline);
   FOR i TO 1 UPB a DO
      FOR j TO 2 UPB a DO
         print( whole(a[i,j],6) )

[,]INT a=((1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),(9,10,11,12),(13,14,15,16)),  # a little test #

show(a); show(b); show(a*b)

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