
In: Computer Science

Using Python write the following script as well as using comments By considering the details below,...

Using Python write the following script as well as using comments

By considering the details below, write a class that will work out the body mass index for specific values of weight and height. The design of the actual class is shown below:









specific designs of the methods are shown below:


set the weight attribute to the value in the parameter weight


set the height attribute to the value in the parameter height


calculate Bmi using the formula: bmi=weight/(height/100)**2


return the value stored in the bmi attribute

After creating the class write a main function that will create an instance of the class and test the implementation.


Expert Solution

#class named as bmi
class bmi:
#It is required so as to initialize instance variable
def __init__(self):
#set all variables to 0
#function to set weight
def set_weight(self,weight):
#setting weight to parameter
#function to set height
def set_height(self,height):
#setting height to parameter value
#function for calculation of bmi
def calc_bmi(self):
#using given formula to calculate bmi and store in self.bmi
#getter for bmi
def get_bmi(self):
#return the value of self.bmi
return self.bmi
#creating an instance of bmi class which is BMI
#calling setter for weight to set weight of instance BMI to 70
#calling setter for height to set height of instance BMI to 180 cm
#function to calculate bmi
#printing the returned value from the getter for bmi
#%.2f is used to print 2 digits after decimal point
print("Body Mass Index: %.2f"%BMI.get_bmi())

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