
In: Computer Science

solution using stack Reversing a word or a sentence: Write an algorithm that will display a...

solution using stack

Reversing a word or a sentence:

Write an algorithm that will display a given word in a reverse order.

- e.g. "Data Structures" will be "serutcurtS ataD".


Expert Solution

1). ANSWER :


To Write an algorithm that will display a given word in a reverse order e.g. “Data Structures” will be “serutcurtS ataD”.

Algorithm to display the reverse string

2.Declare all the variables ( integer(i,j) and character (arrString [100], temp) )
3.Enter the string to be reversed.
4.Find the length of string.
5.Initialize the variables i,j (i=0,j= stringlength-1)
6.Swap the position of array element using the loop((arrString [i] is interchanged with (arrString[j]).
7.Increment i
8.Decrement j
9.If i < j then continue loop and goto step 6
10.Print the reversed string to user.

Example C Program

int main()
// variable declarations
char arrString [100], temp;
int i, j = 0;
printf(" Enter the string to be reversed:");
gets(arrString ); // input string

//Initialize i,j
i = 0;
j = strlen(arrString ) - 1;
while (i < j)
//Swap characters
temp = arrString [i];
arrString [i] = arrString [j];
arrString [j] = temp;
printf("\nThe Reversed string is :%s", arrString ); // Output
return (0);

The above program Output :-

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