
In: Psychology

Confucius wrote one of the formative texts of Daoism, less influential within the philosophy than only...

Confucius wrote one of the formative texts of Daoism, less influential within the philosophy than only the writings of Laozi.

True or false?


Expert Solution


Confucios describes about importance of performing our duties as a human being. It gives importance to do what is right. Confucius believed that performing our duties with whole heart is a root of a peaceful life. Beauty depends on the eyes of the person who is watching it, everything is beautiful that means. Having ability to rise up from your fall is the real courage, learn from your mistakes, our mistakes is our best teacher, Learning by putting your thoughts in it make sense i.e trying to learn something which you are simply not understanding is a waste of your time, always have a zist to learn new things that we don't know and feel confident about the things which we already know, every person we meet have something to teach us embrace good qualities of people and observe bad qualities which will teach you have to avoid, surround yourself with good peoples, Confucious believes in never giving up attitude, whatever you do put your all honest effort in it.

On the other hand Laozi give more significance to attain internal harmony and peace. Laozi gave more importance to connecting with nature and understanding it's rules and ultimately inhereting it to attain mental peace.

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