
In: Computer Science

5.11 LAB: Drawing a right triangle c++ This program will output a right triangle based on...

5.11 LAB: Drawing a right triangle c++

This program will output a right triangle based on user specified height triangleHeight and symbol triangleChar.

(1) The given program outputs a fixed-height triangle using a * character. Modify the given program to output a right triangle that instead uses the user-specified triangleChar character. (1 pt)

(2) Modify the program to use a nested loop to output a right triangle of height triangleHeight. The first line will have one user-specified character, such as % or *. Each subsequent line will have one additional user-specified character until the number in the triangle's base reaches triangleHeight. Output a space after each user-specified character, including after the line's last user-specified character. (2 pts)

Example output for triangleChar = % and triangleHeight = 5:

Enter a character:
Enter triangle height:

% % 
% % % 
% % % % 
% % % % % 


Expert Solution

using namespace std;

int main()
   char ch;
   int n;
   //promtpt the user to enter a character
   cout<<"Enter a character:\n";
   //prompt the user to enter triangle height
   cout<<"Enter triangle height:\n";
   //iterate until n
   for(int i = 1; i <= n;i++)
       //for each value
       //print i number of character seperated by space
       for(int j = 1;j <= i;j++)
           cout<<ch<<" ";
       //print a newline

return 0;

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