
In: Operations Management

Put yourself in the shoes of an HR manager during the coronavirus pandemic and how you...

Put yourself in the shoes of an HR manager during the coronavirus pandemic and how you would handle it.


Expert Solution

The pandemic has caused huge loss to countries world wide. The developed nations have been severely impacted and our day-to-day lifestyles have changed. There is a disturbance, rather a sense of fear among all employees . They fear the COVID-19 would attack them or their near and dear ones, fear loss of job, fear the economic crisis such as recession, etc. Thus, as a HR manager your first and fore-most duty is to ensure all employees are safe, they are mentally stable and ensure they receive payment even during the lockdown period. This would help them fulfill their family's financial needs. In order to do so I would use following strategies:

  • Facilitate work-from-home facility, Thus, employees would be able to work from their home, resulting in continued work and work flow. Also, their minds would be occupied and not stressed due to current pandemic situation,
  • Ensurely employee receive timely payments, if possible pay in 2-3 months in advance so that they can stock their resources well.
  • Communicate regularly with employees, Enquire about them and families and assure them that their jobs are secure.

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