
In: Economics

Why do treatable diseases persist in developing countries? In your answer summarize how health is measured...

Why do treatable diseases persist in developing countries? In your answer summarize how health is measured and some of the key differences in health trends between developing and developed countries. Discuss in detail the case study of cholera in Haiti or HIV/AIDS in Africa.   


Expert Solution

Most of the diseases in developing countries have their roots in poverty.Most of the diseases are because of poor nutrition,indoor air pollution,lack of proper sanitation and health education.Most of these diseases are preventable and treatable.All diseases prevalent in low income countries are neglected and R&Dhas not done enough research to treat them. Poverty related diseases which account for high deaths in developing countries can be prevented with preexisting treatments and prevention programs.Developed countries have good infrastructure and better environment in terms of health than in developing countries.Lack of hospitals, doctors ,medicines etc are prominent in developing countries. Health is measured with life expectancy rate, infant mortality rate,under five mortality rate.Sub Saharan Africa accounted for 69 %of population with HIV. Deaths from AIDS was recorded as 70%in 2011.AIDS has been responsible for lowering the life expectancy of people by 20 yrs in Sub Saharan Africa.More than one million children and adult die from HIV in Africa.This is having effect on Africa's economic development.Education is vital for prevention of HIV/AIDS and this requires the full cooperation of civil society.

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