
In: Psychology

5) Discuss Kubler Ross’s 5 stage theory of death. In your discussion, be sure to include...

5) Discuss Kubler Ross’s 5 stage theory of death. In your discussion, be sure to include a personal narrative of your thoughts about being told you have months to live?


Expert Solution

The five stage theory of Kubler-Ross's describes the various stages that a person goes through when they are told or know that their life is of few days on this earth. These stages describes the denial to acceptance of death and the emotions associated with them. Though it is not necessary that all individuals facing death may go through each of the steps, but this theory gives a general idea of what the individuals may go through when faced with the eminent death. The stages are:.

  • Denial: It's obvious that we love life, even though there may be some issues in life, but most of us want to live forever. We fear death and do not want to die. The initial reactions upon hearing that the days of life are numbered, there would be naturally a disbelief. Would seek second or third opinion, won't believe that this could happen to me. Avoid people who knows my condition and sympathize.
  • Anger: After denial, the frustration that all the plans of life ahead will go with me will creep up. There would be questions why life is so cruel to me, why does this don't happen to those who are cruel and corrupt. Would feel anger towards everybody because life has been ruined by the terminal ill.
  • Bargaining: Would think back. Would like to amend the faults that would have caused harm to any body in any form for life in the personal conversation with God. Would ask others for prayers for healing.
  • Depression: The realization that death is awaiting, a sense of failure is saddening. To know that there is no help, no solution is depressing. Death means loosing the moments with dear ones, everything and everyone. Watching others in despair is also heart breaking.
  • Acceptance: Finally accepting the harsh reality of death. Reliving few moments with the dear ones. Forgiving and asking for forgiveness, amending the faults if they could be, a preparation for final journey.

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