
In: Computer Science

From thermal physics, as objects absorb energy, their physical dimensions expand. This phenomenon is known as...

From thermal physics, as objects absorb energy, their physical dimensions expand. This phenomenon is known as thermal expansion. Write a Python program that calculates the change in length of the following elements: silicon, cadmium, lead, gold, iron, and mercury. Assume that the temperature ranges from 273 K to 373 K. Write a program that defines a function to calculate the change in length at each increment in temperature. Increment the temperature by a step size of 1 K for all calculations. Plot the change in length versus the change in temperature for all metals.

Please answer using Jupyter notebook in python 3


Expert Solution


Change in length expression given as


is change in length ,

is Thermal expension Coefficient

is change in temperature

values not same for different metals

values in micro meter ()for above metals in below table

Silicon 5.6
cadmium 30
lead 29
gold 24
iron 12
mercury 61
#importing matplotlib for plot of graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#name1=['silicon','cadmium','lead','gold','iron','mercury']#input("Enter name of metrial ")

#Thermal Expansion Coefficients in micro meter [5.6,30,29,24,12,30] of respective list element of name1
def changel(name,l):
    for i in name:
        if i=="silicon":
              #cl=alpha*l* change in temperature
        elif i=="cadmium":
        elif i=="lead":
        elif i=="gold":
        elif i=="iron":
        elif i=="mercury":
    return list

leng=int(input("enter length of material in meter "))
list1= changel(name1,leng)                               #call function changel()
res = "\n".join("{}   {}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(name1, list1))
print('change in length in micrometer')
#importing matplotlib for plot of graph
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(list1,'g*', 100, 'ro') #change in temperatur is 100 #plot is change in length for all metal as y and change in temperature as x axis

above is code implementation for given problem statement as temparature change 273k to 373k that will be taken here 100. and length values is also taking as user input and name is list type for storing different metals name since values is different for each other. also plot of change in length with temperature is ploted here temperature change is 100 { we can include many values of change in temperature}


The above image is ouput of above code implementation for length value L =200 meter

and showing the change in length for different metals with from above mention table and change in temperature is 100.


The above image is details about output for above implented code for taking length value of metal from user as 400 meter

and corresponding change in length calculated values shown and also plot of change in length with change in temperature.

change in temperature is shown with red color and change in length is with green color in the plot.

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