
In: Computer Science

Given an array of foods, create a binary search tree. Then, make a copy of that...

Given an array of foods, create a binary search tree. Then, make a copy of that BST and balance it. Language is C++. Vectors are not allowed.

The balance function definition: void balance(BST treeObj); and then when writing the function: void BST::balance(BST treeObj) where BST is a class. The function will be called in main like: originalTree.balance(balancedTree);


Expert Solution

Source code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node{
    Node* lchild;
    string data;
    Node* rchild;
class BST{
    Node* root;
    BST(){ root = nullptr; }
    Node* getRoot(){ return root; }
    void iInsert(string key);
    void Inorder(Node* p);
    Node* iSearch(string key);
    Node* rInsert(Node* p, string key);
    Node* rSearch(Node* p, string key);
    Node* Delete(Node* p, string key);
    int Height(Node* p);
    Node* InPre(Node* p);
    Node* InSucc(Node* p);
void BST::iInsert(string key) {
    Node* t = root;
    Node* p;
    Node* r;
    // root is empty
    if (root == nullptr){
        p = new Node;
        p->data = key;
        p->lchild = nullptr;
        p->rchild = nullptr;
        root = p;
    while(t != nullptr){
        r = t;
        if (key < t->data){
            t = t->lchild;
        } else if (key > t->data){
            t = t->rchild;
        } else {
    // Now t points at NULL and r points at insert location
    p = new Node;
    p->data = key;
    p->lchild = nullptr;
    p->rchild = nullptr;
    if (key < r->data){
        r->lchild = p;
    } else {
        r->rchild = p;
void BST::Inorder(Node* p) {
    if (p){
        cout << p->data << ", " << flush;
Node* BST::iSearch(string key) {
    Node* t = root;
    while (t != nullptr){
        if (key == t->data){
            return t;
        } else if (key < t->data){
            t = t->lchild;
        } else {
            t = t->rchild;
    return nullptr;
Node* BST::rInsert(Node *p, string key) {
    Node* t;
    if (p == nullptr){
        t = new Node;
        t->data = key;
        t->lchild = nullptr;
        t->rchild = nullptr;
        return t;
    if (key < p->data){
        p->lchild = rInsert(p->lchild, key);
    } else if (key > p->data){
        p->rchild = rInsert(p->rchild, key);
    return p;  // key == p->data?
Node* BST::rSearch(Node *p, string key) {
    if (p == nullptr){
        return nullptr;
    if (key == p->data){
        return p;
    } else if (key < p->data){
        return rSearch(p->lchild, key);
    } else {
        return rSearch(p->rchild, key);
Node* BST::Delete(Node *p, string key) {
    Node* q;
    if (p == nullptr){
        return nullptr;
    if (p->lchild == nullptr && p->rchild == nullptr){
        if (p == root){
            root = nullptr;
        delete p;
        return nullptr;
    if (key < p->data){
        p->lchild = Delete(p->lchild, key);
    } else if (key > p->data){
        p->rchild = Delete(p->rchild, key);
    } else {
        if (Height(p->lchild) > Height(p->rchild)){
            q = InPre(p->lchild);
            p->data = q->data;
            p->lchild = Delete(p->lchild, q->data);
        } else {
            q = InSucc(p->rchild);
            p->data = q->data;
            p->rchild = Delete(p->rchild, q->data);
    return p;
int BST::Height(Node *p) {
    int x;
    int y;
    if (p == nullptr){
        return 0;
    x = Height(p->lchild);
    y = Height(p->rchild);
    return x > y ? x + 1 : y + 1;
Node* BST::InPre(Node *p) {
    while (p && p->rchild != nullptr){
        p = p->rchild;
    return p;
Node* BST::InSucc(Node *p) {
    while (p && p->lchild != nullptr){
        p = p->lchild;
    return p;
int main() {
    BST bst;
    // Iterative insert
    bst.iInsert("Mc Donald's");
    bst.iInsert("Burger king");
    // Inorder traversal
    cout << endl;
    // Iterative search
    Node* temp = bst.iSearch(2);
    if (temp != nullptr){
        cout << temp->data << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "Element not found" << endl;
    // Recursive search
    temp = bst.rSearch(bst.getRoot(), 20);
    if (temp != nullptr){
        cout << temp->data << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "Element not found" << endl;
    // Recursive insert
    bst.rInsert(bst.getRoot(), 50);
    bst.rInsert(bst.getRoot(), 70);
    bst.rInsert(bst.getRoot(), 1);
    cout << "\n" << endl;
    // Inorder predecessor and inorder successor
    BST bs;
    temp = bs.InPre(bs.getRoot());
    cout << "InPre: " << temp->data << endl;
    temp = bs.InSucc(bs.getRoot());
    cout << "InSucc: " << temp->data << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Delete
    bs.Delete(bs.getRoot(), 7);
    return 0;
Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. 

If you are satisfied with the solution, please leave a +ve feedback : ) Let me know for any help with any other questions.

Thank You!

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