
In: Nursing

Infections can spread very fast through health care facilities if the appropriate precautions aren't maintained. However,...

Infections can spread very fast through health care facilities if the appropriate precautions aren't maintained. However, some individuals are more susceptible to infections than others which require even more stringent care when looking after them. Building on your understanding of infection and its spread, develop a list of 4 susceptible hosts and propose why these hosts are at a higher risk of developing an infection (in 50 - 70 words).


Expert Solution

WHAT IS MEANT BY INFECTION AND HOW IT SPREADS? It is defined as the effect of a foreign organism in the body. The infectious diseases are disorders mainly caused by organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Moreover, some infections can be passed from a) person to person (Eg: flu or cold) b) transmitted through bites from insects or animals ( Eg: Malaria) and c) by ingesting contaminated water or food ( Eg: Salmonella infection). SUSCEPTIBLE HOSTS AND THEIR RISKS: 1. TUBERCULOSIS: Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The risk of TB transmission is affected by the location and severity of the diseases, characteristics and the length of time the person is exposed. Some groups have a higher risk of developing this disease due to weaken immune system. The reason for risk groups are a) close contact with infectious patients b) elderly people c) substance abusers ( drug and alcohol) d) people who have a weaken immune system on HIV/AIDS infections. 2. MALARIA: Malaria is caused by a parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes called Plasmodium falciparum malaria. It produces recurrent attacks of chills and fever. The biggest risk factors for developing malaria includes a) younger children and infants b) pregnant women and their unborn children c) poverty and d) lack of knowledge on control of diseases. Reducing exposure to mosquitoes away from humans by spraying home, sleeping under a net, covering the skin are the methods to prevent from malaria. 3. HIV/AIDS INFECTION: HIV can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race and sexual orientation. However, certain groups are at higher risk of HIV because of particular risk factors. Most infections are transmitted between a) heterosexual partners b) people with sexually transmitted diseases c) and sharing needles or injection equipment with someone who has HIV. Choosing less risky sexual behaviors, taking medicines to prevent and treat HIV and using condoms as precautions are the effective way to prevent risk of getting or transmitting diseases. 4.PNEUMONIA : Pneumococcal disease is a global problem especially in patients with chronic diseases such as COPD, diabetes, chronic heart diseases and smoking habits. It is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. The presence of chronic diseases not only increases the risk of an individual acquiring pneumococcal disease but also affect the severity and outcome of the disease. This can be prevented by proper vaccination.

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