
In: Psychology

Why bell hooks argues that fighting homophobia is a necessary component of feminism?

Why bell hooks argues that fighting homophobia is a necessary component of feminism?


Expert Solution

Fighting homophobia is an essential elements to get equal rights for women as well. According to biological sexual orientation there are two genders male and female but due to some reason and some changes while birth both of these genders shhows significant change in their behavior and lifestyle irrespective of their genders. This give rise hetrosexuality and homosexuality. Hetrosexual are those who attracted with opposite gender and homesexual are those who attracted with same gender.

As there is large population of hetrosexual they dominates homsexual and they not gives equal rights to homosexual.

Homesexuals are suffering from very longer time but now there are changes in thinking of people and now they are accepting homosexuals. Government also making policies to give equal rights to homosexual.

Bell argues that that fighting homophobia is a necessary component of feminism because homosexuality is also an part of our gender and they are suffering from inequality from long time. If people accepts homosexuality then accepting women equality and feminism will be easy for them. This is why bell hooks argues that fighting homophobia is a necessary component of feminism.

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