
In: Biology

The ________________ represents the topological relationship that the two taxa it is connecting are most similar...

  1. The ________________ represents the topological relationship that the two taxa it is connecting are most similar to each other.




    Branch length

    None of the above


Expert Solution

In evolutionary biology, topology tree is used describe or show the relation between different taxa on the basis of genealogy.

  • Bootstrap: In phylogenetic tree, bootstrap value is the chance of having the same branching out of the total times the some of the characters used for making the tree are randomly rearranged.
  • Node: They are the end point of branches of the tree indicating the order of evolution at that point of time. There are three types of nodes:
    • External nodes, the end point of the branch;
    • Internal nodes, the point where more than one branch join;
    • Root, an important internal node.
  • Root: It is a type of internal node, which expresses the most recent ancestor of all taxa in the tree.
  • Branch length:  ​​It is distance between the tip and the inter node. It indicates the amount of genetic change that took place, the longer the branch length the more is the genetic change.

The internal nodes represent the topological relationship that the two taxa it is connecting are most common to each other.

As internal node is not an option in the question, the answer will be none of the above.


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