
In: Computer Science

Create a new Java project called 1410_Recursion. Add a package recursion and a class Recursion. Include...

Create a new Java project called 1410_Recursion. Add a package recursion and a class Recursion. Include the following three static methods described below. However, don't implement them right away. Instead, start by returning the default value followed by a // TODO comment.

  1. public static int sumOfDigits(int n)
    This method returns the sum of all the digits.
    sumOfDigits(-34) -> 7
    sumOfDigits(1038) -> 12
  2. public static int countSmiles(char[] letters, int index)
    This method counts the number of colons followed by a closing parenthesis.
    countSmiles([:,), ,L,i,f,e, ,i,s, ,g,o,o,d, ,:,)], 0) -> 2
    countSmiles([H,a,p,p,y, ,D,a,y, ,:,),:,),:,),!], 0) -> 3
    countSmiles([a,:,b,(,c,),:, ,),e], 0) -> 0
  3. public static String toUpper(String str)
    This method separates all characters by a space and changes all lowercase letters to uppercase letters.
    E.g. "Hi there!" returns "H I T H E R E !"
    Hint: Class Character (Links to an external site.) includes a method toUpperCase (Links to an external site.)​

Create a second source folder called test. It should include a class RecursionTest. That's where you will write the JUnit tests for the three methods above.

  • Each of the three methods should have at least eight corresponding JUnit tests.
  • Choose test data deliberately to provide thorough testing that covers as many potential problems as possible.

Once you have written the JUnit tests, implement the methods.


Expert Solution

public class Recursion {
        public static int sumOfDigits(int n) {
                // we cannot sum -ve elements so calculating absolute
                n = Math.abs(n);
                // if n is 0 then return 0
                // else calculate sum of digits
                        return 0;
                return n%10+sumOfDigits(n/10);
        public static int countSmiles(char[] letters, int index) {
                // if index is 0 then we cannot count further 
                        return 0;
                // checking index if it is less than length of letters
                // and checking for smile characters
                if(index+1 < letters.length && 
                                letters[index]==':'&& letters[index+1]==')') {
                        // if smile found add 1
                        return 1 + countSmiles(letters, index+2);
                }else {
                        return countSmiles(letters, index+1);
        public static String toUpper(String str) {
                // if length is 1 return the upper case 
                if(str.length()==1) {
                        return str.toUpperCase();
                // converting to upper case character
                char upper =Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(0));
                // concatenating recursively
                return upper+" "+toUpper(str.substring(1,str.length()));

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;

public class RecursionTest {

        public void DigitsSumTest() {
                int sum;
                // Test1
                // returns the calculated sum
                sum = Recursion.sumOfDigits(-34);
                // tests whether the sum is equal
                assertEquals(7, sum);
                // Test 2
                sum = Recursion.sumOfDigits(1038);
                assertEquals(12, sum);
        public void CountSmilesTest() {
                int count;
                char[] ch;
                // Test 1
                // character array
                ch = new char[] {':',')',' ','L','i','f','e',
                                ' ' ,'i','s',' ' ,'g','o','o','d',' ',':',')'};
                // returns the calculated counted smiles
                count = Recursion.countSmiles(ch, 0);
                assertEquals(2, count);
                // Test 2
                ch = new char[] {'H','a','p','p','y',' ','D',
                                'a' ,'y',' ',':' ,')',':',')',':',')','!'};
                count = Recursion.countSmiles(ch, 0);
                assertEquals(3, count);
                // Test 3
                ch = new char[] {'a',':','b','(','c',')',':',' ' ,')','e'};
                count = Recursion.countSmiles(ch, 0);
                assertEquals(0, count);
        public void UpperTest() {
                String s;

                // test 1
                s= "Hi there!";
                // returns the upper case letter
                s = Recursion.toUpper(s);
                // tests whether it is same
                assertEquals(s,"H I   T H E R E !");



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