
In: Computer Science

Define a function in Javascript named secondHighest which accepts an array of numbers, and returns the...

Define a function in Javascript named secondHighest which accepts an array of numbers, and returns the second highest number from the array. If the highest value occurs more than once, then it is also the second highest (see example). Assume the input array will always have length at least two (so there is always a second highest value).

The original array must NOT be modified by this function.
secondHighest([5,3,8,6,2,7,4]) must return 7, and secondHighest([5,3,8,6,2,7,8]) must return 8.

I have the Python code but I am having trouble converting it to Javascript format

def secondHighest(number):

count = 0

A1 = A2 = float('-inf')

for b in number:

count += 1

if b > A2:

if b >= A1:

A1, A2 = b,A1


A2 = b

return A2 if count >= 2 else None




Expert Solution


function myFunction(numbers) {
  max1=0      //max is used to store highest element and initially 0
  max2=0    //max is used to store second highest element and initially 0
  for(i=0; i<numbers.length; i++)  //traverse till length of given array
        if(numbers[i] >= max1)     //check if maximum is greater than curren element 
            max2 = max1;          //then maximum is second maximum
            max1 = numbers[i];    //and maximum element is current element
        else if(numbers[i] >= max2 && numbers[i] <= max1)    //if the element is greater than second max and lessthan max
            max2 = numbers[i];  //then store  it in second maximum
    if(max1===max2)     //if max1 and max2 are same then array has 2 maximum numbers
      console.log(max1)   //so print maximum number
      console.log(max2)   //otherwise print second maximum number
myFunction([5,3,8,6,2,7,4]);  //call myFunction function



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