
In: Computer Science

in C++ (Please do steps 1-11) 1 ) Create a file that contains your grades and...

in C++ (Please do steps 1-11)

1 ) Create a file that contains your grades and the type of assement (you can just create the file or write the file in the program)

A = Assignment

E = Extra Credit

L - Lab

Q = Qui

M = Mid


L 20

L 20

L 20

Q 10

A 18

E 9

Q 10

L 20

Q 10

L 20

Q 10

L 20

M 85

2 ) create 3 float arrays with 12 positions (one array for labs one array for qui and one array for assignments) (should be in main)

3 ) create float variables for extra credit, mid exa, attendance and fina exa (should be in main)

4 ) Read the file and place the assessments in their appropriate arrays or variables (should be in main)

5 ) Calculate the average grade for qui, assignments and labs using the following formula(should be in calculate function)

= <average> = (<sum>/(<number_of_grades>*<possible_points>))*100

6 ) Calculate the mid grade using the following formula (should be in main)

= <mid> = <mid>+<extra_credit>

7 ) Give yourself an average of 100 for attendance and pick a grade for your final (should be in main)

8 ) Print the average grade for each assessment type: (should be in main)



Labs: 100

Qui: 100

Assignments: 90

Mid Exa: 94

Fina Exam: 100

Attendance: 100

9 ) Multiply the average by the assessment percentage (should be in main)

Assessment percentage for each assessment type:

Labs: .15

Qui: .05

Assignments: .15

Mid: .25

Fina: .35

Attendance: .05

10 ) Calculate your fina grade (should be in main)

= <current_grade> = <lab_perecent>+<qui_perecent>+<assignment_perecent>+<mid_perecent>+<fina_perecent>+<attendance_perecent>

11 ) Print your fina grade in the following format: (should be in main)

Current grade:


Current grade: 97


Expert Solution

Hi there,

I have completed all the tasks given according to the given instructions.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

float avg(float arr[], int len, string c)
   //for different arrays different possible will be there
   int possible;
   else if(c=="Q")
   else if(c=="A")
   int sum=0;  
   for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
   //return average  
   return (float)((float)((sum*1.0)/possible)*100);

int main()
   float labs[12], qui[12], assignments[12]; //2
   int l=0,q=0,a=0;
   float eCredit, mid_exa, attendance=100, fina_exa=100; //3,7
   ifstream myfile; ("grades.txt"); //4
   string word1, word2;
   //read the file
       else if(word1=="Q")
       else if(word1=="A")
       else if(word1=="E")
       else if(word1=="M")
   //call functions to calcualte averages
   float q_avg=avg(qui,q,"Q"); //5
   float l_avg=avg(labs,l,"L");
   float a_avg=avg(assignments,a,"A");
   //update the mid_exa
   mid_exa+=eCredit; //6
   //show the average grades
   cout<<"\nThe average grades are : \n"; //8
   cout<<"\nLabs: "<<l_avg;
   cout<<"\nQui: "<<q_avg;
   cout<<"\nAssignments: "<<a_avg;
   cout<<"\nMid Exa: "<<mid_exa;
   cout<<"\nFina Exam: "<<fina_exa;
   cout<<"\nAttendance: "<<attendance;
   //calculate fina_grade according to each percentage
   float fina_grade=(float)(l_avg*0.15 + q_avg*0.05 + a_avg*0.15 + mid_exa*0.25 + fina_exa*0.35 + attendance*0.05); //9,10
   //print fina_grade
   cout<<"\n\nCurrent grade: "<<fina_grade<<endl; //11
   return 0;

code (screenshot):

Output (screenshot):

Hope you liked the answer. If you have any doubt, do let me know in the comments.

Happy Coding :)

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