
In: Computer Science

Determining character type without using char methods. (epic confusion) 1. Call your class Program4A, so your...

Determining character type without using char methods. (epic confusion)

1. Call your class Program4A, so your filename will be It is essential for grading purposes that everyone have the same class name.

5. Ask the user for a single character "Please enter a single character, followed by the enter/return key.

6. Read in the character and assign it to a variable of char.

7. compile and run program. Don't move on until this part is working. I have entered a temporary print statement just to make sure this is working. It should be commented out before turning in the program.

8. Use nested if-else statements to determine the character type. (Cannot use char methods like isLetter or isDigit) (Must use single quotes for char)

9. Put a printf statement after each if statement to print a sentence which states the type of character. (Required ugh)

10. After you get the earlier steps working properly for letter types (uppercase or lowercase) find the opposite case and print that. Do not use char methods.

Test userString's length in an if-else statement.

Sample run: (should look like this)

Please enter a character: 2

2 is a digit.

Please enter a character: d

d is a lowercase letter.

The uppercase of d is D.

Please enter a character: G

G is an uppercase letter.

The lowercase of G is g.

Please enter a character: $

$ is a special character.

Please enter a character: asdf

You entered more than a single character. Please rerun to try again.

Please enter a character: You did not enter anything. Please rerun to try again.


Expert Solution

Note: Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Program4A {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //Declaring variables
       char ch;
       String str;
       * Creating an Scanner class object which is used to get the inputs
       * entered by the user
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

               //Getting the input entered by the user
System.out.print("Please enter a character:");
   System.out.println("You entered more than a single character. Please rerun to try again.");
else if(str.isEmpty())
   System.out.println("You did not enter anything. Please rerun to try again.");
//Checking the type of character
if((ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='a' && ch<='z'))
   System.out.printf("'%c' is a character.\n",ch);
else if((ch>='0' && ch<='9'))
   System.out.printf("'%c' is a digit.\n",ch);
   System.out.printf("'%c' is a special character.\n",ch);
System.out.print("Please enter a character:");".").charAt(0);
//If the character is Upper case, converting it to Lower case
if(ch>='A' && ch<='Z')
   System.out.printf("'%c' is a uppercase character.\n",ch);
   System.out.printf("The lowercase of '%c' is '%c'\n",ch,ch+32);
else if(ch>='a' && ch<='z') //If the character is Lower case, converting it to Upper case
   System.out.printf("'%c' is a lowercase character.\n",ch);
   System.out.printf("The uppercase of '%c' is '%c'.\n",ch,ch-32);




Please enter a character:asdf
You entered more than a single character. Please rerun to try again.



Please enter a character:
You did not enter anything. Please rerun to try again.



Please enter a character:2
'2' is a digit.
Please enter a character:d
'd' is a lowercase character.
The uppercase of 'd' is 'D'.



Please enter a character:G
'G' is a character.
Please enter a character:f
'f' is a lowercase character.
The uppercase of 'f' is 'F'.

_______________Could you plz rate me well.Thank You

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