
In: Computer Science

Write recursive method to return true if a given array has element equal to employee emp,...

Write recursive method to return true if a given array has element equal to employee emp, or returns false otherwise. Array can be empty or not.

//PRECONDITION: Varible n denotes the number of occupied positions in the array and must be non-negative. Employee class has method getSalary() that returns employee's salary,

// and it has method boolean equals(Employee emp) that accept an employee object and returns true if employee calling the equals method is equal as employee emp, and returns

// false otherwise. An empty array returns false. Method employeeInRec must be recursive and returns true if array csEmployees has employee emp, and returns false otherwise.

public boolean employeeInRec (Employee[] csEmployees, int n, Employee emp)




Expert Solution

Programming language:- JAVA


// Since Employee class is not given we are making our own

class Employee {

private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int numHours;
private double hourlyPay;

// Constructor

public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, int numHours, double hourlyPay) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.numHours = numHours;
this.hourlyPay = hourlyPay;

public boolean equals(Employee emp) {

return ((this.firstName.equalsIgnoreCase(emp.firstName)) && (this.lastName.equalsIgnoreCase(emp.lastName)) && (this.numHours == emp.numHours) && (this.hourlyPay == emp.hourlyPay));

public double getSalary() {
return numHours * hourlyPay;

class Main {

// employeeInRec method

public static boolean employeeInRec(Employee[] csEmployees, int n, Employee emp) {

if (n == 0)
return false;

return true;
return employeeInRec(csEmployees, n-1, emp);


public static void main(String[] args) {

// Testing employeeInRec method

Employee[] csEmployees = new Employee[3];
csEmployees[0] = new Employee("John", "Clint", 5, 20);
csEmployees[1] = new Employee("Sarah", "Khan", 7, 30);
csEmployees[2] = new Employee("Roxy", "Rush", 8, 25);

Employee emp = new Employee("Sarah", "Khan", 7, 30);

if(employeeInRec(csEmployees, 3, emp))
System.out.println("True: emp is in csEmployees array");
System.out.println("False: emp is not in csEmployees array");


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