
In: Operations Management

Which if any of the five POTBA criteria apply to autonomous vehicles? Pick one that you...

  • Which if any of the five POTBA criteria apply to autonomous vehicles? Pick one that you think applies and explain it, or explain why none apply.
  • How can this ethical framework inform our ability to make choices about the deployment of autonomous vehicles?
  • At what point will you feel comfortable using a Level 2 or Level 3 autonomous vehicle? Have you done so already? What was it like?


Expert Solution

The few pointers which autonomous vehicle need to counter and solidify it's place in market are -

1) Car intelligence to outsmart Human intelligence - While companies like Tesla are making big in roads in putting the auto - cars into picture ,there's still a lot of catching up to do when it comes to matching human intelligence with respect to driving cars

2) HackProof Cars ? - Every other computer thing occasionally gets hacked, so it’s a near-certainty that self-driving cars will be hacked, too. The question is whether that intrusion—or the fear of it— will be sufficient to delay or even halt the introduction of autonomous vehicles.

3) Still not an alternative to transportation Service -The current transportation-service companies can’t seem to find their way to profitability. In fact, they keep losing insane amounts of money. Take the driver out of the equation and maybe all of that money saved would put them in the black.

4) It will create havoc in terms of traffic and emission - It would certainly be a cruel twist if self-driving cars managed to save lives on the road while contributing to climate catastrophe. But if the past few years of internet history have taught us anything, any technology as powerful and society-shaping as autonomous vehicles will certainly have unintended consequences.

Until and Unless these pointers are not cleared off people's mind ,I don't see Level -3 unit on roads.

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