
In: Computer Science

#1    Write  a simple array program that:    Des not use an “external class & demo      program"    [If you wish, you...

#1    Write  a simple array program that:    Des not use an “external class & demo      program"    [If you wish, you may break it down into methods, but that is NOT         required.]

   a.     Set up 4 arrays which each hold 6 employee’s data:

             int[ ] empid

             int[ ] hours

             double[ ] rate

             double[ ] wages


   b.     Set up loops to load the empid, hours and rate arrays

   c.     Set up a loop to calculate values for the wages array.


thru the use  of the IF statement

[overtime  is time and a half as usual]

   d.     Set up a loop to print  the empid and wages for each employee


Expert Solution

void main()
{ //Arrays to hold employee data
int empid[10];
int hours[10];
double rate[10];
double wages[10];
int i;

//loop to load data into empid, hours and rate
for (i=1;i<=6;i++)
   printf("\n Enter ID of employee%d",i);
   printf("\n Enter working hours of employee%d",i);
   printf("\n Enter rate of employee%d",i);
//loop to calculate values for wages array
for (i=1;i<=6;i++)
   if (hours[i]<=40) //Checking whether overtime is taken or not
       wages[i]=hours[i]*rate[i]; //if no overtime , calculate the wage as no.of working hours * rate
       wages[i]=40*rate[i]+(hours[i]-40)*(rate[i]+rate[i]/2); //if overtime is taken, the wage is calculated as normal for // less than 40 hours and for remaining hours rate will be // rate and half.


//loop tp print the empid and wage of each employee
for (i=1;i<=6;i++)
   printf("\n %d\t\t%f",empid[i],wages[i]);


Enter ID of employee11

Enter working hours of employee130

Enter rate of employee150

Enter ID of employee22

Enter working hours of employee240

Enter rate of employee250

Enter ID of employee33

Enter working hours of employee350

Enter rate of employee350

Enter ID of employee44

Enter working hours of employee430

Enter rate of employee4100

Enter ID of employee55

Enter working hours of employee540

Enter rate of employee5100

Enter ID of employee66

Enter working hours of employee650

Enter rate of employee6100

EmployeeID wage
1 1500.000000
2 2000.000000
3 2750.000000
4 3000.000000
5 4000.000000
6 5500.000000

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