
In: Computer Science

divide even number by 2 and what is the reminder? duvid odd number by 2 and...

divide even number by 2 and what is the reminder?
duvid odd number by 2 and what is the reminder?
here modulus is a remiander function.

MY_ARRAY[] is an array if 49 elements or DINT[49]. Create four versions of structured text code that sets all even elements of MY_ARRAY[] =3 and all odd elements = 7 using. You can use any function or construct in structured text however each version will contain only 1 type of loop construct:
1) 1 While loop, 1 Repeat loop , 1 For loop incrementing by 1 and 2 For loops, each incrementing by 2
Hint, the modulus function may help for even/odd numbers.


Expert Solution

  • When you divide an even number by 2, the remainder is 0.
  • When you divide an odd number by 2, the remainder is 1.
  • A number is identified as even number when the number is divided by 2 leaves remainder as 0.
  • A number is identified as odd number when the number is divided by 2 leaves remainder as 1.
  • Modulus is the remainder function in most of the programming languages.
  • Modulus is denoted by '%'

Code Without Snippet Using One For Loop:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
// Declare the array of size 49
int my_array[49];
// Initialize the array. Initialising with consecutive numbers
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
// Printing the array before changing
cout<<"Before Changing: "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
cout<<my_array[i]<<" ";
// Using One For Loop
// Now Replacing every even number with 3 and Odd with 7
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
// Checking if the element is Even
// Checking if the element is Odd
// Printing the result after changing
cout<<"After Changing using For Loop: "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
cout<<my_array[i]<<" ";


Code With Snippet Using One For Loop:

Output Snippet Using One For Loop:

Code Without Snippet Using While Loop:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
// Declare the array of size 49
int my_array[49];
// Initialize the array. Initialising with consecutive numbers
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
// Printing the array before changing
cout<<"Before Changing: "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
cout<<my_array[i]<<" ";
// Using One While Loop
// Now Replacing every even number with 3 and Odd with 7
int counter=0;
// Checking if the element is Even
// Checking if the element is Odd
// Printing the result after changing
cout<<"After Changing using While Loop: "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<49;i++)
cout<<my_array[i]<<" ";

Code With Snippet Using While Loop:

Output Snippet Using One While Loop:

Thank you!!!

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