In: Math
Here we are interested in studying whether weight training will lead to more positive mood. After training mood scores were measured on ordinal scale where higher score indicates more positive mood. Null hypothesis is a hypothesis of no difference , that is there is no difference in mood before and after weight training. We are assuming that null hypothesis is true and testing it for possible rejection . What if null hypothesis is rejected ? What would you conclude ? The statement of your research interest has to be set up as alternative hypothesis . Here we are interested in checking whether mood is more positive after weight training than before training.
1) correct answer is option b (we have considered both mood are same).
Option a is not correct because we are not interested in testing whether it is less or not . Alternative is complementary of null choose null hypothesis accordingly. Option c and d are totally eliminated ( you can understand from explanation given above)
2) correct option is d ( that is what we are interested in studying)