
In: Computer Science

Discuss the potential security challenge in your life or your organization, despite that the highlight of...

Discuss the potential security challenge in your life or your organization, despite that the highlight of the security policies shall be archive in the development of the organization's security policies and keys of the security concept important to any security fundamentals.


Expert Solution


wanted to give you a light on what is potential challenge in life or organization, simple words CHALLENGE is a problem you need to deal with. In life and organization problems are many still the dealing and wining them needs different approach and strategies. A tense situation with the potential to turn into a riot; this could a potential challenge in life e.g. recent riots, vandalism in USA, India.

I would like to discuss most the of the security challenges in an organization after succesful set up on policies, concepts and different structure operating procedures.

1. Confidentiality and Privacy of the data

Confidentiality and Privacy is the biggest challenge faced. To ensure that only the intended users/people can access and read the information, lacks a well-rounded protection system or procedures. Spams and hackers are securing login and different kind of informations and using informative data to access sensitive information,application and system

Integrity of the data or information is another big problem. Originality of th information or product or policeis can easily be altered, tampered and changed.

Authentication - There is a lot of obscurity with the source, to know if the information shared or sent by the stated sender is authentic or reliable is a big challenge.

And lastly, it is the availability. That is, assuring that crucial information can be accessed or retrieved at all times and from all the places is quite challenging.

2. Regulation and Compliance - We exists with fast growing and paced innovative era, There are so much uncertainity to markets and technologies change, so the rule and regulations could also alter rapidly. ignoring regulation and compliance risks may end up fines and worse non-compliance which is not easy to perform business.


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