
In: Computer Science

There is a lab assignment. Basically includes array and some other basic stuff. Comment if you...

There is a lab assignment. Basically includes array and some other basic stuff. Comment if you have any questions. Thank you.

I have got all classes here so that it might be more make sense.


package classes;

public class Bus extends Commercial {
      private int numPassengers;
      public Bus()
       numPassengers = 0;
      public Bus(String pVIN, String comID)
       super(pVIN, comID);
       numPassengers = 0;
   public Bus(String pVIN, String comID, int passengerCount)
       super(pVIN, comID);
       numPassengers = passengerCount;
   public String toString()
       return "Bus is " + super.toString();
   // Getters
   public int getPassCount()
       return numPassengers;
   // Setters
   public void setPassCount(int passCount)
       numPassengers = passCount;

package classes;
public class Car extends Vehicle {
   // TODO Add the following data members to the class Car: MSRP (double), numSeats (int), isICE (boolean), licensePlate (String), regState (String)
   // Note that MSRP is in dollars and is the suggested retail price of the car
      // TODO Create at least 4 reasonable constructors for the class Car (one will be default)
      // TODO Create an Override for the vehicle toString method.
   // Example returned string: "Car is Vehicle with VIN 85545 and License Plate ABC123 from Wisconsin"
      // TODO Create setters for all of the data members in class Car
      // TODO Create getters for all of the data members in class Car



package classes;
abstract public class Commercial extends Vehicle{
      private String commercialID;
      public Commercial()
       commercialID = "";
      public Commercial(String pVIN, String comID)
       commercialID = comID;
   public String toString()
       return super.toString() + " is commercial with CID " + commercialID;
   // TODO Add setters and getters for commercialID in the Commercial class

package classes;

public class Motorbike extends Vehicle {
   // TODO Add the following data members to the class Motorbike: MSRP (double), numWheels (int), licensePlate (String), regState (String)
   // Note that MSRP is in dollars and is the suggested retail price of the motorbike   
   // TODO Create at least 4 reasonable constructors for the class Motorbike (one will be default)
   // TODO Create an Override for the vehicle toString method.
   // Example returned string: "Motorbike is Vehicle with VIN 85545 and License Plate ABC123 from Wisconsin"
   // TODO Create setters for all of the data members in class Motorbike
   // TODO Create getters for all of the data members in class Motorbike



package classes;
public class Semi extends Commercial{

   private int numAxles;
   private double weight; // LBS
   // Constructors
   public Semi()
       numAxles = 0;
       weight = 0.0;
   public Semi(String pVIN, String comID)
       super(pVIN, comID);
       numAxles = 0;
       weight = 0;
   public Semi(String pVIN, String comID, int axleCount, double weightLBS)
       super(pVIN, comID);
       numAxles = axleCount;
       weight = weightLBS;
   // toString Method
   public String toString()
       return "Semi is " + super.toString();
   // TODO Add setters and getters for numAxles and weight in the Semi class


package classes;

abstract public class Vehicle {
   // Data Members
   private String VIN;
   // Constructors
   public Vehicle()
       VIN = "";
   public Vehicle(String pVIN)
       VIN = pVIN;
   public String toString()
       return "Vehicle with VIN " + VIN;
   // Getters
   public String getVIN()
       return VIN;
   // Setters
   public void setVIN(String pVIN)
       VIN = pVIN;


package programCode;

import classes.*;
public class Demo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create Bus and Semi objects
       Bus myBus = new Bus("VIN12345", "CID0001");
       Semi mySemi = new Semi("VIN67890", "CID2222");
       // Call toString for both
       // Create an array of commercial vehicles in the fleet
       Commercial[] fleet = new Commercial[3];
       // Populate the array
       fleet[0] = new Semi("VIN00000", "CID0000");
       fleet[1] = new Semi("VIN99999", "CID3333");
       fleet[2] = new Bus("VIN77777", "CID1111");
       // Print out the fleet's basic information using toString
       System.out.println("Our fleet consists of: ");
       for(Commercial x : fleet)
           System.out.println(" " + x);
          // Get the VIN number of the vehicle in position 1 of fleet:
       String extractedVIN = fleet[1].getVIN();




package programCode;
// TODO Add necessary imports
public class driver {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
   // TODO Finish all of the TODO stubs in the classes before proceeding! Use the sample code, lectures,
       // completed code in the Bus, Commercial, Vehicle, and Demo files to assist you if you need help. You
       // need to reason about the objectives in the lab in order to create an effective solution. Don't just
       // copy code from one class to another! That won't work...
       // TODO You should test all of the methods (constructors, getters, and setters) for the classes. Make
       // sure they all do what they are expected to do!
       // TODO Create an array (called inventory) of Vehicle objects to store 10 vehicles
       // TODO Populate the array with 4 motorcycles and 6 cars. You need to set the members appropriately.
       // You may choose the values of each data member, but make sure none of them are null!
       // TODO Write a loop to print out the toString information for each vehicle in the array
       // TODO Write a loop that will print out all data members of the motorcycles in the array. Note that this
       // loop MUST work regardless of where the motorcycles appear in the array. HINT: Check the reference types
       // for each member of the array and process only the motorcycles.
       // TODO Write a loop that will print out the data members of the cars in the array. Note that this loop
       // MUST work regardless of where the cars appear in the array.
       // TODO Write a method that accepts as input a reference to an array of type Vehicle and returns
       // the integer index where the CHEAPEST car resides in that array. Place this method in the driver file.
       // Do not create a new file to hold the method!
       // TODO Use the method you just wrote to return the cheapest car in your vehicle array. Make sure it
       // returns the correct information! You should shuffle the entries in the array around some to make sure
       // the method reliably finds the cheapest entry. If two cheapest entries are found, you can choose any
       // of them. HINT: Use a basic linear search. You don't need to do anything complex.
       // TODO Suppose the dealership just obtained a new Semi. They'd like to add it to their inventory list.
       // QUESTION: Can they do this?
       // If so, modify your array code and add a Semi object to index 10 of the array.
       // If not, explain in detail why the Semi cannot be added to the inventory list.
       // QUESTION: Assume the Semi can somehow be added to the inventory list. Given the code in the lab
       // right now, could the dealership assign an MSRP to the semi? Why or why not? Note that
       // you do NOT need to make this possible in the code if it isn't possible. Just explain.




Expert Solution

Here is the code,

I have completed the full code, only 3 parts are remaining(in Driver class)that can be done on your own. If you have any doubts about any of the parts feel free to ask in the comment section, I would try to help you with my best.

public class Bus extends Commercial {
    private int numPassengers;

    public Bus() {
        numPassengers = 0;

    public Bus(String pVIN, String comID) {
        super(pVIN, comID);
        numPassengers = 0;

    public Bus(String pVIN, String comID, int passengerCount) {
        super(pVIN, comID);
        numPassengers = passengerCount;

    public String toString() {
        return "Bus is " + super.toString();

    // Getters
    public int getPassCount() {
        return numPassengers;

    // Setters
    public void setPassCount(int passCount) {
        numPassengers = passCount;

public class Car extends Vehicle {

    // TODO Add the following data members to the class Car: MSRP (double), numSeats (int), isICE (boolean), licensePlate (String), regState (String)
    private double MSRP;
    private int numSeats;
    private boolean isICE;
    private String licensePlate;
    private String regState;

    // Note that MSRP is in dollars and is the suggested retail price of the car
    // TODO Create at least 4 reasonable constructors for the class Car (one will be default)

    public Car(){
        MSRP = 0.0;
        numSeats = 0;
        isICE = false;
        licensePlate = "";
        regState = "";

    public Car(double MSRP, int numSeats, boolean isICE, String licensePlate, String regState){
        this.MSRP = MSRP;
        this.numSeats = numSeats;
        this.isICE = isICE;
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.regState = regState;

    public Car(String licensePlate, String regState){
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.regState = regState;

    public Car(double MSRP, String licensePlate, String regState){
        this.MSRP = MSRP;
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.regState = regState;

    // TODO Create an Override for the vehicle toString method.
    // Example returned string: "Car is Vehicle with VIN 85545 and License Plate ABC123 from Wisconsin"

    public String toString() {
        return "Car is Vehicle with VIN "+getVIN()+" and License Plate "+licensePlate+" from "+regState;

    // TODO Create setters for all of the data members in class Car
    // TODO Create getters for all of the data members in class Car
    public double getMSRP() {
        return MSRP;

    public void setMSRP(double MSRP) {
        this.MSRP = MSRP;

    public int getNumSeats() {
        return numSeats;

    public void setNumSeats(int numSeats) {
        this.numSeats = numSeats;

    public boolean isICE() {
        return isICE;

    public void setICE(boolean ICE) {
        isICE = ICE;

    public String getLicensePlate() {
        return licensePlate;

    public void setLicensePlate(String licensePlate) {
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;

    public String getRegState() {
        return regState;

    public void setRegState(String regState) {
        this.regState = regState;

abstract public class Vehicle {
    // Data Members
    private String VIN;

    // Constructors
    public Vehicle() {
        VIN = "";

    public Vehicle(String pVIN) {
        VIN = pVIN;

    public String toString() {
        return "Vehicle with VIN " + VIN;

    // Getters
    public String getVIN() {
        return VIN;

    // Setters
    public void setVIN(String pVIN) {
        VIN = pVIN;

abstract public class Commercial extends Vehicle {
    private String commercialID;

    public Commercial() {
        commercialID = "";

    public Commercial(String pVIN, String comID) {
        commercialID = comID;

    public String toString() {
        return super.toString() + " is commercial with CID " + commercialID;

    // TODO Add setters and getters for commercialID in the Commercial class
    public String getCommercialID() {
        return commercialID;

    public void setCommercialID(String commercialID) {
        this.commercialID = commercialID;

public class Motorbike extends Vehicle {
    // TODO Add the following data members to the class Motorbike: MSRP (double), numWheels (int), licensePlate (String), regState (String)
    private double MSRP;
    private int numWheels;
    private String licensePlate;
    private String regState;

    // Note that MSRP is in dollars and is the suggested retail price of the motorbike
    // TODO Create at least 4 reasonable constructors for the class Motorbike (one will be default)
    public Motorbike(){
        MSRP = 0.0;
        numWheels = 0;
        licensePlate = "";
        regState = "";

    public Motorbike(double MSRP, int numWheels, String licensePlate, String regState){
        this.MSRP = MSRP;
        this.numWheels = numWheels;
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.regState = regState;

    public Motorbike(double MSRP, String licensePlate, String regState){
        this.MSRP = MSRP;
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.regState = regState;

    public Motorbike(int numWheels, String licensePlate, String regState){
        this.numWheels = numWheels;
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;
        this.regState = regState;

    // TODO Create an Override for the vehicle toString method.
    // Example returned string: "Motorbike is Vehicle with VIN 85545 and License Plate ABC123 from Wisconsin"

    public String toString() {
        return "Motorbike is Vehicle with VIN "+getVIN()+" and License Plate "+licensePlate+" from "+regState;

    // TODO Create setters for all of the data members in class Motorbike
    // TODO Create getters for all of the data members in class Motorbike
    public double getMSRP() {
        return MSRP;

    public void setMSRP(double MSRP) {
        this.MSRP = MSRP;

    public int getNumWheels() {
        return numWheels;

    public void setNumWheels(int numWheels) {
        this.numWheels = numWheels;

    public String getLicensePlate() {
        return licensePlate;

    public void setLicensePlate(String licensePlate) {
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;

    public String getRegState() {
        return regState;

    public void setRegState(String regState) {
        this.regState = regState;

public class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create Bus and Semi objects
        Bus myBus = new Bus("VIN12345", "CID0001");
        Semi mySemi = new Semi("VIN67890", "CID2222");
        // Call toString for both
        // Create an array of commercial vehicles in the fleet
        Commercial[] fleet = new Commercial[3];
        // Populate the array
        fleet[0] = new Semi("VIN00000", "CID0000");
        fleet[1] = new Semi("VIN99999", "CID3333");
        fleet[2] = new Bus("VIN77777", "CID1111");
        // Print out the fleet's basic information using toString
        System.out.println("Our fleet consists of: ");
        for (Commercial x : fleet) {
            System.out.println(" " + x);
        // Get the VIN number of the vehicle in position 1 of fleet:
        String extractedVIN = fleet[1].getVIN();

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

// TODO Add necessary imports
public class Driver {

    private static Car cheapestCar(Vehicle[] inventory){
        Car car = null;
        for (Vehicle vehicle : inventory){
            if (vehicle instanceof Car){
                Car mCar = (Car) vehicle;
                if(car == null) car = mCar;
                else if(car.getMSRP() > mCar.getMSRP()) car = mCar;
        return car;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Finish all of the TODO stubs in the classes before proceeding! Use the sample code, lectures,
        // completed code in the Bus, Commercial, Vehicle, and Demo files to assist you if you need help. You
        // need to reason about the objectives in the lab in order to create an effective solution. Don't just
        // copy code from one class to another! That won't work...

        // TODO You should test all of the methods (constructors, getters, and setters) for the classes. Make
        // sure they all do what they are expected to do!

        // TODO Create an array (called inventory) of Vehicle objects to store 10 vehicles
        Vehicle[] inventory = new Vehicle[10];

        // TODO Populate the array with 4 motorcycles and 6 cars. You need to set the members appropriately.
        // You may choose the values of each data member, but make sure none of them are null!
        inventory[0] = new Motorbike(435, "ABC134", "STATE_A");
        inventory[1] = new Motorbike(785, "HFS621", "STATE_B");
        inventory[2] = new Motorbike(6575, "EJF787", "STATE_B");
        inventory[3] = new Motorbike(876, "LSH853", "STATE_X");
        inventory[4] = new Car(43657, "LFONFH-144", "STATE_Y");
        inventory[5] = new Car(87732, "QOPSLF-345", "STATE_V");
        inventory[6] = new Car(32784, "FHFKSL-634", "STATE_V");
        inventory[7] = new Car(18393, "WEJRKF-253", "STATE_U");
        inventory[8] = new Car(20983, "ADJGGG-678", "STATE_W");
        inventory[9] = new Car(54672, "RTSKFN-324", "STATE_A");

        // TODO Write a loop to print out the toString information for each vehicle in the array
        for(Vehicle vehicle : inventory) System.out.println(vehicle.toString());

        // TODO Write a loop that will print out all data members of the motorcycles in the array. Note that this
        // loop MUST work regardless of where the motorcycles appear in the array. HINT: Check the reference types
        // for each member of the array and process only the motorcycles.
        for(Vehicle vehicle : inventory){
            if(vehicle instanceof Motorbike){
                Motorbike motorbike = (Motorbike) vehicle;
                System.out.println("Motorbike{" +
                        "MSRP=" + motorbike.getMSRP() +
                        ", numWheels=" + motorbike.getNumWheels() +
                        ", licensePlate='" + motorbike.getLicensePlate() + '\'' +
                        ", regState='" + motorbike.getRegState() + '\'' +

        // TODO Write a loop that will print out the data members of the cars in the array. Note that this loop
        // MUST work regardless of where the cars appear in the array.
        for(Vehicle vehicle : inventory){
            if(vehicle instanceof Car){
                Car car = (Car) vehicle;
                System.out.println("Car{" +
                        "MSRP=" + car.getMSRP() +
                        ", numSeats=" + car.getNumSeats() +
                        ", isICE=" + car.isICE() +
                        ", licensePlate='" + car.getLicensePlate() + '\'' +
                        ", regState='" + car.getRegState() + '\'' +

        // TODO Write a method that accepts as input a reference to an array of type Vehicle and returns
        // the integer index where the CHEAPEST car resides in that array. Place this method in the driver file.
        // Do not create a new file to hold the method!

        // TODO Use the method you just wrote to return the cheapest car in your vehicle array. Make sure it
        // returns the correct information! You should shuffle the entries in the array around some to make sure
        // the method reliably finds the cheapest entry. If two cheapest entries are found, you can choose any
        // of them. HINT: Use a basic linear search. You don't need to do anything complex.
        List<Vehicle> inventoryList = Arrays.asList(inventory);
        Car cheapestCar = cheapestCar(inventory);
        if(cheapestCar == null) System.out.println("No car found in inventory");
        else System.out.println("Cheapest car : "+cheapestCar.toString());

        // TODO Suppose the dealership just obtained a new Semi. They'd like to add it to their inventory list.
        // QUESTION: Can they do this?
        // If so, modify your array code and add a Semi object to index 10 of the array.
        // If not, explain in detail why the Semi cannot be added to the inventory list.
        // QUESTION: Assume the Semi can somehow be added to the inventory list. Given the code in the lab
        // right now, could the dealership assign an MSRP to the semi? Why or why not? Note that
        // you do NOT need to make this possible in the code if it isn't possible. Just explain.


public class Semi extends Commercial {

    private int numAxles;
    private double weight; // LBS

    // Constructors
    public Semi() {
        numAxles = 0;
        weight = 0.0;

    public Semi(String pVIN, String comID) {
        super(pVIN, comID);
        numAxles = 0;
        weight = 0;

    public Semi(String pVIN, String comID, int axleCount, double weightLBS) {
        super(pVIN, comID);
        numAxles = axleCount;
        weight = weightLBS;

    // toString Method
    public String toString() {
        return "Semi is " + super.toString();

    // TODO Add setters and getters for numAxles and weight in the Semi class
    public int getNumAxles() {
        return numAxles;

    public void setNumAxles(int numAxles) {
        this.numAxles = numAxles;

    public double getWeight() {
        return weight;

    public void setWeight(double weight) {
        this.weight = weight;

Also please don't forget to upvote the solution.

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