
In: Computer Science

Constructor: -empty body Class method 1: goodFriend - return string value, "I like you!" Class method...


-empty body

Class method 1: goodFriend

- return string value, "I like you!"

Class method 2: badFriend

- return string value, "I don't like you!"

Main Method:

- create new Friend object

- call goodFriend and badFriend using Friend object

/* class header */ {

/* constructor method header */ { }

public static void main (String [] args) { Friend f = /* new Friend object */

// call goodFriend using Friend object

// call badFriend using Friend object


public /* return type */ goodFriend() {

return "I like you!";


public /* return type */ badFriend() {

return "I don't like you!";




Expert Solution

So In this program I will show you how to call the method using object as per given requirements

In this Program I use two diffrent Method which Returning some string value

1>public String goodFriend()

which is returning "I like you!" String

2>public String badFriend()

which is returning "I don't like you!" String


public class Friend {
    public Friend()
        //Default constructor invoked when the object is created....
    public String goodFriend()
        return "I like you!";
    public String badFriend()
        return "I don't like you!";
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        Friend f=new Friend();//this statement invoke constructor which is basically used to assign the memory to the recently created object
        //f.goodFriend() this statment is returning a string value that's why I directly write it into the Print Statement 
        // You can also use the following approach where you have to first store the returning value into the variable and then print it
        String data=f.badFriend();


I hope you will undestand how to call the function and using Object

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