
In: Computer Science

import java.util.Scanner; public class LetterGrade { // The method you write will return a String representing...

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LetterGrade {
// The method you write will return a String representing a letter
// grade (e.g., "A", "A-", "B+", etc.).
// The letter grade is determined by the given percentage, according
// to the scale specified on page 2 of the class syllabus (available
// here:
// You may assume that the given percentage is between 0.0 and 100.0
// TODO - write your code below this comment.
public static String letterGrade(double percentage){
if (percentage >= 92.5) {
return "A";
else if (percentage >= 89.5){
return "A-";
else if (percentage >= 86.5){
return "B+";
else if (percentage >= 82.5){
return "B";
else if (percentage >= 79.5){
return "B-";
else if (percentage >= 76.5){
return "C+";
else if (percentage >= 72.5){
return "C";
else if (percentage >= 69.5){
return "C-";
else if (percentage >= 66.5){
return "D+";
else if (percentage >= 62.5){
return "D";
else if (percentage >= 59.5){
return "D-";
else {
return "F";

// DO NOT MODIFY main!
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter grade as percentage: ");
double percentage = input.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Letter grade: " + letterGrade(percentage));


import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

public class LetterGradeTest {
// TODO - write your code below this comment.
// Write 12 tests, where each test corresponds
// to one of the possible class grades. As a hint,
// most of these tests look a lot like each other, so
// you might be able to work faster by copy-pasting
// the same test and then editing it for the given case.


Expert Solution

Thanks for the question. Below is the code you will be needing. Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. 

If you are satisfied with the solution, please leave a +ve feedback : ) Let me know for any help with any other questions.

Thank You!

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

public class LetterGradeTest {
// TODO - write your code below this comment.
// Write 12 tests, where each test corresponds
// to one of the possible class grades. As a hint,
// most of these tests look a lot like each other, so
// you might be able to work faster by copy-pasting
// the same test and then editing it for the given case.

    public  void test1(){

    public  void test2(){

    public  void test3(){

    public  void test4(){

    public  void test5(){

    public  void test6(){

    public  void test7(){

    public  void test8(){

    public  void test9(){

    public  void test10(){

    public  void tes11(){

    public  void test12(){



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