
In: Math

4.            What is the empirical probability of a loss? [Topic 2] Date      OLIM Int. 15/6/2014          2.36...

4.            What is the empirical probability of a loss? [Topic 2]

Date      OLIM Int.

15/6/2014          2.36

22/6/2014          2.46

29/6/2014          2.52

6/7/2014             2.46

13/7/2014          2.44

20/7/2014          2.54

27/7/2014          2.46

3/8/2014             2.42

10/8/2014          2.54

17/8/2014          2.53

24/8/2014          2.65

31/8/2014          2.64

7/9/2014             2.56

14/9/2014          2.54

21/9/2014          2.4

28/9/2014          2.3

5/10/2014          2.2

12/10/2014        2.08

19/10/2014        2.06

26/10/2014        2.13

2/11/2014          2.11

9/11/2014          2.25

16/11/2014        2.24

23/11/2014        2.16

30/11/2014        2.09

7/12/2014          2.04

14/12/2014        2.11

21/12/2014        2.09

28/12/2014        2.04

4/1/2015             2.01

11/1/2015          1.96

18/1/2015          2

25/1/2015          1.975

1/2/2015             2.03

8/2/2015             2

15/2/2015          2

22/2/2015          2

1/3/2015                     2

8/3/2015                     2.01

15/3/2015          1.98

22/3/2015          1.99

29/3/2015          2

5/4/2015                     2.03

12/4/2015          2.05

19/4/2015          2

26/4/2015          2.02

3/5/2015             2

10/5/2015          1.98

17/5/2015          1.985

24/5/2015          1.985

31/5/2015          1.88

7/6/2015                      1.885

14/6/2015          1.865

21/6/2015          1.865

28/6/2015          1.885

5/7/2015             1.825

12/7/2015          1.79

19/7/2015          1.78

26/7/2015          1.84

2/8/2015             1.8

9/8/2015             1.8

16/8/2015          1.755

23/8/2015          2.07

30/8/2015          1.98

6/9/2015             1.975

13/9/2015          2.04

20/9/2015          1.995

27/9/2015          2

4/10/2015          2

11/10/2015        2

18/10/2015        1.98

25/10/2015        2

1/11/2015          1.99

8/11/2015          1.915

15/11/2015        1.845

22/11/2015        1.82

29/11/2015        1.805

6/12/2015          1.77

13/12/2015        1.81

20/12/2015        1.835

27/12/2015        1.82

3/1/2016             1.695

10/1/2016          1.665

17/1/2016          1.63

24/1/2016          1.62

31/1/2016          1.61

7/2/2016             1.58

14/2/2016          1.585

21/2/2016          1.61

28/2/2016          1.755

6/3/2016                     1.74

13/3/2016          1.745

20/3/2016          1.74

27/3/2016          1.69

3/4/2016             1.655

10/4/2016          1.72

17/4/2016          1.725

24/4/2016          1.65

1/5/2016             1.595

8/5/2016             1.6

15/5/2016          1.705

22/5/2016          1.815

29/5/2016          1.835

5/6/2016                       1.86

12/6/2016          1.815

19/6/2016          1.855

26/6/2016          1.88

3/7/2016             1.91

10/7/2016          1.885

17/7/2016          1.88

24/7/2016          1.91

31/7/2016          1.83

7/8/2016             1.85

14/8/2016          1.96

21/8/2016          2.06

28/8/2016          2.07

4/9/2016             2.09

11/9/2016          2.03

18/9/2016          2.04

25/9/2016          2.06

2/10/2016          2.05

9/10/2016          2.07

16/10/2016        2.06

23/10/2016        2.1

30/10/2016        2.08

6/11/2016          2.1

13/11/2016        1.95

20/11/2016        1.96

27/11/2016        2.02

4/12/2016          2.07

11/12/2016        2.13

18/12/2016        2

25/12/2016        1.97

1/1/2017             2

8/1/2017             2.06

15/1/2017          1.995

22/1/2017          2

29/1/2017          2.01

5/2/2017             2.02

12/2/2017          2.1

19/2/2017          2.06

26/2/2017          2

5/3/2017             1.975

12/3/2017          1.93

19/3/2017          1.86

26/3/2017          1.92

2/4/2017             1.955

9/4/2017             1.91

16/4/2017          1.91

23/4/2017          1.91

30/4/2017          1.9

7/5/2017             1.96

14/5/2017          1.995

21/5/2017          2.07

28/5/2017          2.02

4/6/2017             2.03

11/6/2017          2

18/6/2017          1.96

25/6/2017          1.95

2/7/2017             1.915

9/7/2017             1.94

16/7/2017          1.945

23/7/2017          1.93

30/7/2017          1.96

6/8/2017             1.95

13/8/2017          2.02

20/8/2017          2.1

27/8/2017          2.06

3/9/2017             2.02

10/9/2017          2.01

17/9/2017          2.01

24/9/2017          2.02

1/10/2017          2.14

8/10/2017          2.22

15/10/2017        2.29

22/10/2017        2.35

29/10/2017        2.36

5/11/2017          2.33

12/11/2017        2.19

19/11/2017        2.2

26/11/2017        2.25

3/12/2017          2.19

10/12/2017        2.16

17/12/2017        2.07

24/12/2017        2.03

31/12/2017        2.04

7/1/2018             2.09

14/1/2018          2.11

21/1/2018          2.19

28/1/2018          2.22

4/2/2018             2.08

11/2/2018          2.17

18/2/2018          2.26

25/2/2018          2.23

4/3/2018             2.4

11/3/2018          2.34

18/3/2018          2.37

25/3/2018          2.34

1/4/2018             2.34

8/4/2018             2.35

15/4/2018          2.29

22/4/2018          2.28

29/4/2018          2.18

6/5/2018             2.3

13/5/2018          2.29

20/5/2018          2.28

27/5/2018          2.19

3/6/2018             2.21

10/6/2018          2.17


Expert Solution

OLIM Frequency Probability
2.36 2 0.00956938
2.46 3 0.01435407
2.52 1 0.00478469
2.44 1 0.00478469
2.54 3 0.01435407
2.42 1 0.00478469
2.53 1 0.00478469
2.65 1 0.00478469
2.64 1 0.00478469
2.56 1 0.00478469
2.4 2 0.00956938
2.3 2 0.00956938
2.2 2 0.00956938
2.08 3 0.01435407
2.06 7 0.03349282
2.13 2 0.00956938
2.11 3 0.01435407
2.25 2 0.00956938
2.24 1 0.00478469
2.16 2 0.00956938
2.09 4 0.01913876
2.04 5 0.02392344
2.01 5 0.02392344
1.96 6 0.02870813
2 17 0.08133971
1.975 3 0.01435407
2.03 5 0.02392344
1.98 4 0.01913876
1.99 2 0.00956938
2.05 2 0.00956938
2.02 7 0.03349282
1.985 2 0.00956938
1.88 3 0.01435407
1.885 3 0.01435407
1.865 2 0.00956938
1.825 1 0.00478469
1.79 1 0.00478469
1.78 1 0.00478469
1.84 1 0.00478469
1.8 2 0.00956938
1.755 2 0.00956938
2.07 6 0.02870813
1.995 3 0.01435407
1.915 2 0.00956938
1.845 1 0.00478469
1.82 2 0.00956938
1.805 1 0.00478469
1.77 1 0.00478469
1.81 1 0.00478469
1.835 2 0.00956938
1.695 1 0.00478469
1.665 1 0.00478469
1.63 1 0.00478469
1.62 1 0.00478469
1.61 2 0.00956938
1.58 1 0.00478469
1.585 1 0.00478469
1.74 2 0.00956938
1.745 1 0.00478469
1.69 1 0.00478469
1.655 1 0.00478469
1.72 1 0.00478469
1.725 1 0.00478469
1.65 1 0.00478469
1.595 1 0.00478469
1.6 1 0.00478469
1.705 1 0.00478469
1.815 2 0.00956938
1.86 2 0.00956938
1.855 1 0.00478469
1.91 5 0.02392344
1.83 1 0.00478469
1.85 1 0.00478469
2.1 4 0.01913876
1.95 3 0.01435407
1.97 1 0.00478469
1.93 2 0.00956938
1.92 1 0.00478469
1.955 1 0.00478469
1.9 1 0.00478469
1.94 1 0.00478469
1.945 1 0.00478469
2.14 1 0.00478469
2.22 2 0.00956938
2.29 3 0.01435407
2.35 2 0.00956938
2.33 1 0.00478469
2.19 4 0.01913876
2.17 2 0.00956938
2.26 1 0.00478469
2.23 1 0.00478469
2.34 3 0.01435407
2.37 1 0.00478469
2.28 2 0.00956938
2.18 1 0.00478469
2.21 1 0.00478469
Sum 209 1

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