
In: Physics

Problem 21: A uniform stationary ladder of length L = 3.7 m and mass M =...

Problem 21: A uniform stationary ladder of length L = 3.7 m and mass M = 19 kg leans against a smooth vertical wall, while its bottom legs rest on a rough horizontal floor. The coefficient of static friction between floor and ladder is μ = 0.44. The ladder makes an angle θ = 56° with respect to the floor. A painter of mass 8M stands on the ladder a distance d from its base.

Part (a) Find the magnitude of the normal force N, in newtons, exerted by the floor on the ladder. Numeric : A numeric value is expected and not an expression. N = __________________________________________

Part (b) Find an expression for the magnitude of the normal force NW exerted by the wall on the ladder. MultipleChoice: 1) NW = ½Mg cot? 2) NW = 1/2Mg cot? (1+16d/L) 3) NW = 1/2Mg cot? (16d/L) 4) NW = 1/2Mg tan? (1+16d/L) 5) NW = Mg cot? (16+d/2L)

Part (c) What is the largest distance up the ladder dmax, in meters, that the painter can stand without the ladder slipping? Numeric : A numeric value is expected and not an expression. dmax = __________________________________________


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