
In: Computer Science

Write a program in python that will produce this outcome. Project 2: Developed by Yourname 0....

Write a program in python that will produce this outcome.

Project 2: Developed by Yourname

0. Exit
1. Print a Diamond
2. Print a Number Pattern
3. Print a cost table
Enter your choice:
Enter the length (an even number between 0 and 20): -1
Enter the length (an even number between 0 and 20): 3
Enter the length (an even number between 0 and 20): 22
Enter the length (an even number between 0 and 20): 10
Enter the char used left to the diamond: *
Enter the char used to fill the diamond: T

0. Exit
1. Print a Diamond
2. Print a Number Pattern
3. Print a cost table
Enter your choice:
Enter the maximum quantity (between 1 and 9): 0
Do you want horizontal (item\qnty) table (Yes or No): Yes
Cost Table

0. Exit
1. Print a Diamond
2. Print a Number Pattern
3. Print a cost table
Enter your choice:
Enter the maximum quantity (between 1 and 9): 5
Do you want horizontal (item\qnty) table (Yes or No): No
Cost Table
Qty\Item Beans Rice Banana Ice Tea Bread Orange Sugar
1 3.25 4.31 6.88 3.30 5.25 4.89 6.32 2.25
2 6.50 8.62 13.76 6.60 10.50 9.78 12.64 4.50
3 9.75 12.93 20.64 9.90 15.75 14.67 18.96 6.75
4 13.00 17.24 27.52 13.20 21.00 19.56 25.28 9.00
5 16.25 21.55 34.40 16.50 26.25 24.45 31.60 11.25

0. Exit
1. Print a Diamond
2. Print a Number Pattern
3. Print a cost table
Enter your choice:
Enter the maximum quantity (between 1 and 9): 4
Do you want horizontal (item\qnty) table (Yes or No): Yes
Cost Table
Item\Qty 1 2 3 4
Beans 3.25 6.50 9.75 13.00
Rice 4.31 8.62 12.93 17.24
Banana 6.88 13.76 20.64 27.52
Ice 3.30 6.60 9.90 13.20
Tea 5.25 10.50 15.75 21.00
Bread 4.89 9.78 14.67 19.56
Orange 6.32 12.64 18.96 25.28
Sugar 2.25 4.50 6.75 9.00

0. Exit
1. Print a Diamond
2. Print a Number Pattern
3. Print a cost table
Enter your choice:
Thank you for using this program. Bye.


Expert Solution

while True:
print("0. Exit\n1. Print a Diamond\n2.Print a Number Pattern\n3.Print a cost table\nEnter your choice:")
c=int(input()) #read the choice
if c==0: #if choice=0 break the loop
print("Thank you for using this program. Bye.")
elif c==1: #c=1 for print the diamond
print("Enter the length (an even number between 0 and 20):",end="")
ch=int(input()) #read the integer for no of lines
while ch<=0 or ch>20: #if ch is not between 0 and 20 ,repeat the loop
print("Enter the length (an even number between 0 and 20):",end="")
print("Enter the char used left to the diamond:",end="")
print("Enter the char used to fill the diamond:",end="")
k=ch #k represents number of symbols represent diamond
for i in range(ch//2): #loop for half of diamond
k=k-2 #k decrements by 2 for every iteration upto half of the diamond
for j in range(ch//2,0,-1): #loop for remianing half of diamond
k=k+2 #k increments by 2 for every iteration upto half of the diamond
elif c==2:
pass #in the quetion, they didnt mention the number pattern example.
elif c==3:
#items list
items=["Beans", "Rice", "Banana", "Ice", "Tea", "Bread", "Orange", "Sugar"]
#price list
lt=[3.25, 4.31, 6.88, 3.30, 5.25, 4.89, 6.32, 2.25]
print("Enter the maximum quantity (between 1 and 9): ",end="")
print("Do you want horizontal (item\qnty) table (Yes or No): ",end="")
print("Cost Table")
if r=="Yes":
print("Item/Qnty",end=" ")
for i in range(1,q+1):
print(i,end=" ") #print quantities
for i in range(len(items)):
print(items[i],end=" ") #print items
for j in range(1,q+1):
print("{0:.2f}".format(lt[i]*j),end=" ") #cost of items
elif r=="No":
print("Qnty/Item",end=" ")
for i in items:
print(i,end=" ") #print items
for j in range(1,q+1):
print(j,end=" ") #print quantities
for k in range(len(lt)):
print("{0:.2f}".format(lt[k]*j),end=" ") #print cost of items

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