
In: Psychology

Research shows that by April, more than 50% of people who made New Years Resolutions will...

Research shows that by April, more than 50% of people who made New Years Resolutions will have failed to keep them. Considering everything:

(a) what are some reasons for why people fail to keep NY Resolutions?

(b) if you were a "life coach", how would you encourage your clients to stick to their resolutions?

(c) do you have a NY resolution this year? If so, how do you plan to stick to it? If not, why not? *If it is too personal you don't have to elaborate.


Expert Solution

1). The possible reasons why people fail to keep New Year Resolutions are:

  • Too many resolutions are made at a time.
  • Sometimes the resolutions are unrealistic.
  • Lack of intrinsic motivation.
  • Mostly extrinsically motivated, which after some times leads to giving up of resolutions.
  • Laziness, lack of strong determination also results in giving up of resolutions.
  • Instant expectations of results also leads to failure of resolutions.

2. As a 'life coach' the clients would be encouraged to take fewer resolutions, and they would asked to take few steps at time. This would motivate them intrinsically and they would be able to see the results bit by bit. They would be advised to keep their instant expectations in control, be motivated and determined to set the desired change by their daily efforts.

C). Have a resolution to loose few pounds of body weight and keep a healthy life style. Working on it by taking smaller steps and avoiding huge leaps. Started by taking healthy foods, avoiding the tempting food and having a regular exercise pattern. So far has attained the goal of loosing 8 pounds in the past few months. It was a major resolution each year, but never attained the goal. But this planned by taking smaller steps, keep reminding myself about the importance of good health. Enjoying the healthy food and exercises. Hence, has attained a initial breakthrough, and want to continue this habit for the life time.

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