
In: Physics

1) A cart with mass m1 = 3.2 kg and initial velocity of v1,i = 2.1...

1) A cart with mass m1 = 3.2 kg and initial velocity of v1,i = 2.1 m/s collides with another cart of mass M2 = 4.3 kg which is initially at rest in the lab frame. The collision is completely elastic, and the wheels on the carts can be treated as massless and frictionless. What is the velocity of m1 in the center of mass frame after the collision?

vf* =

2) A block of mass M1 = 3.5 kg moves with velocity v1 = 6.3 m/s on a frictionless surface. It collides with block of mass M2 = 1.7 kg which is initially stationary. The blocks stick together and encounter a rough surface. The blocks eventually come to a stop after traveling a distance d = 1.85 m . What is the coefficient of kinetic friction on the rough surface?

μk =


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