
In: Operations Management

Critically compare the balanced mode of co-creation with Provider-Driven and Client-Driven modes of service co-creation framework

Critically compare the balanced mode of co-creation with Provider-Driven and Client-Driven modes of service co-creation framework


Expert Solution

Balanced Provider Driven Client Driven
Balanced mode combines both the market (which the client will be knowing better) and technology (which the crowd will be knowing better) orientations. Providers / customers will be always have new / innovative ideas or technologies which clients can absorb. But this menthod may overelook best practices which other clients may be following. Innovations / services will be focused more on the needs of known clients as the company will be more in touch with them and may overlook the needs of new customers.
Strategic congruence between providers and clients based on balanced interests will improve current and future value co creation. Provider driven method may create innovative services that may not exist otherwise. Clients will be better knowing the needs of existing customers by which they can optimally serve them. They will have tailor made solutions which they already will be delivering.
Balanced mode will enable a win-win feeling which will be emotionally satisfying to both the provider and clients while co creation. This can be beneficial in the long run. This mode may pose challenges concerning clients' willingness to approve of the service providers' priorities. Over focus on clients' needs may for biases in relationships. This may reduce the reporoducibility of services.
Complex and contradictory interests in partnership oriented relationship may pose challenges for collective value creation. Running after clients to adapt services may lead to economic and social burdens. This may evoke friction in relationships. Client will remain sensitive to any hesitation from providers side to invest in client driven services. This can also adversely affect relationships.
Both service providers' and clients' capabilities needs to be effectively utilized for effective co designs. Service providers will be proactive in exploring innovations for the future. Client lead co creation models will challenge providers to adapt their capabilities to meet clients' requirements.
Services will be integrated to both the client's needs and the provider's wants. Service providers will be willing to accept business risks. This will involve creativity but can be adverse for business. Clients shall be able to exploit the providers resources to achieve effective co creation.
Aspiration to cooperate and commit to common goals will be there in the case of balanced mode. Courage should be there to prioritize innovative ideas over existing ones. Effective responsiveness to existing conditions will be marked as examples of the activity of service providers.
Balanced co creation requires openness and trust among the parties involved. Clients will have to be satisfied with existing services. Clients' trust that they will be served and finding new ways for that will drive innovation.

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