
In: Computer Science

Isolating bits and bytes Task: Create a program that manages an IP address. Allow the user...

Isolating bits and bytes

Task: Create a program that manages an IP address. Allow the user to enter the IP address as four 8 bit unsigned integer values (just use 4 sequential CIN statements). The program should output the IP address upon the users request as any of the following. As a single 32 bit unsigned integer value, or as four 8 bit unsigned integer values, or as 32 individual bit values which can be requested as a single bit by the user (by entering an integer 0 to 31). Or as all 32 bits assigned into 2 variable sized groups (host group and network group) and outputted as 2 unsigned integer values from 1 bit to 31 bits each.

Example functionality:

Enter and IP address:





Scenario 1:

How would you like to see your IP address ((1) single value, (2) four values, (3), two values, (4) a single bit value): 1

Output should be 3232235781

Scenario 2:

How would you like to see your IP address ((1) single value, (2) four values, (3), two values, (4) a single bit value): 2

Output should be

Scenario 3:

How would you like to see your IP address ((1) single value, (2) four values, (3), two values, (4) a single bit value): 3

How many bits in the network address: 16

Output should be 49320, 261

Scenario 4:

How would you like to see your IP address ((1) single value, (2) four values, (3), two values, (4) a single bit value): 4

Which bit would you like to see: 21

Output should be 1

(Because the binary of the IP address is 11000000101010000000000100000101

This lab deals with the following concepts:

  • Bit fields
  • Unions
  • Bit masking
  • IP addressing (for the sake of creating a useful program)


Expert Solution

Below is your code :)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int ip[32];   // array to store the binary representation of whole ip addresss

// function to return the decimal of whole ip address
long long BinaryToDecimal()
   long long decimalNumber = 0;
   long long base = 1;
   int i=31;
   while (i>=0)
      decimalNumber += ip[i]*base;
      base = base*2;
   return decimalNumber;

// function to return the decimal of given part of whole ip address
long long TwoPartAddress(int end,int bits)
   long long decimalNumber = 0;
   long long base = 1;
   int i=bits;
   while (i>=end)
      decimalNumber += ip[i]*base;
      base = base*2;
   return decimalNumber;

// main function
int main()
int num[4];       // array to store 4 parts of ip address
int n[4][8];   // 2D array to store binary representation of 4 parts of ip address
int choice;       // for storing user choice
// taking input from user
cout<<"Enter an IP address: ";  
// filling 2d array with 0
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<8;j++)
// filling binary representation of each number in 2d array
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
   int octate = num[j];
   for(int i=0; octate>0; i++)  
       octate = octate/2;

int i=0;
// filling ip array with combined binary values
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
   for(int k=7;k>=0;k--)
       ip[i++] = n[j][k];

cout<<"\nHow would you like to see your IP address ((1) single value, (2) four values, (3), two values, (4) a single bit value): ";

   // in case user want to see the single decimal value of ip address
   case 1: cout<<"Output should be "<<BinaryToDecimal()<<endl;
   // in case user want to see ip address in 4 decimal values
   case 2: cout<<"Output should be "<<num[0]<<"."<<num[1]<<"."<<num[2]<<"."<<num[3]<<endl;
   // in case user want to see network and host values seperately in decimal form
   case 3: int bits;
           cout<<"How many bits in the network address: ";
           cout<<"Output should be "<<TwoPartAddress(0,bits-1)<<", "<<TwoPartAddress(bits,31)<<endl;
   // in case user want to see a particular bit of an ip address
   case 4: int bit;
           cout<<"Which bit would you like to see: ";
           cout<<"Output should be "<<ip[31-bit]<<endl;
           cout<<"(Because the binary of the IP address is"<<endl;
           for(int i=0;i<31;i++)
               if(i == 31-bit)
                   cout<<" "<<ip[i]<<" ";
   default: cout<<"Wrong choice."<<endl;
return 0;

Sample Output:

1. Scenario :

2. Scenario:

3. Scenario:

4. Scenario:

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