
In: Biology

7.) Type of presentation complex found only on macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells. A. Antigen...

7.) Type of presentation complex found only on macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells.

A. Antigen

B. Epitope



8.) Cells that mass produce and release antibodies.

A. neutrophils

B. plasma cells

C. natural killer cells

D. macrophages

9.) Destruction of immune cells that respond to self.

A. opsonization

B. memory

C. tolerance

D. clonal selection

10.) Which class of vaccine consists of a whole pathogen that is killed or inactivated with heat, chemicals, or radiation?

A. attenuated

B. inactivated

C. subunit

D. toxoid


Expert Solution

Que 7- option A is correct because Antigen presenting complex are present on macrophages dendritic cells and B cells

MHC I and II are present on all nucleated cells.

Epitope is the specific oart of antigen at that location Antibody are bind.

Que 8 -option B is coreect that plasma cell produces and secretes antibodies.

Macrophages,Natural killer cell and neutrophils produces cytokines.

Que 9-option C is correct because Destruction of immune cells that respond to self is called as tolerence induction.

opsonization is a process by which a pathogen is marked for ingestion and destruction by phagocytes.

Clonal selection is the process how a single B or T cell that recognizes an antigen that enters the body is selected from the pre-existing cell pool of differing antigen specificities and then reproduced to generate a clonal cell population that eliminates the antigen.

Immunological memory is the ability of the immune system to quickly and specifically recognize or identifies an antigen that the body has previously encountered and initiate concern immune response.

Que 10- option B is correct because inactivated vaccine contains of a whole pathogen that is killed or inactivated with heat, chemicals, or radiation.

attenuation is a vaccine created by reducing the virulence of a pathogen, but still keeping it viable

Toxoid vaccine is made from a toxin (poison) that has been made harmless but that elicits an immune response against the toxin.

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