
In: Physics

DATA: Current in Solenoid l (Ampere(A)) Magnetic Field B (mT) 0.5 0.06050 1.0 0.1500 1.5 0.2048...


Current in Solenoid l (Ampere(A))

Magnetic Field B (mT)









Length of Solenoid (m)


Number of turns


Turns/length (per meter)

Part II

Length of Solenoid (m)

Turns/meter (per meter)

Magnetic Field B (mT)









Number of turns in Slinky



1.   Plot a graph of magnetic field B vs. the current I through the solenoid. You may launch a fresh copy of LoggerPro, or use the file "magnetic field graph' in the Lab 08 folder.

2. Determine the equation of the best-fit line, including they-intercept. Note the constants and their units.

3. For each of the measurements of Part II, calculate the number of turns per meter. Enter these values in the data table.

4. Plot a graph of magnetic field B vs. the turns per meter of the solenoid (n). Use either Graphical Analysis or graph paper.

5. How is magnetic field related to the turns/meter of the solenoid?

6. Determine the equation of the best-fit line to your graph. Note the constants and their units

7.   From Ampere's law, it can be shown that the magnetic field B inside a long solenoid is B = µ0nl where I-to is the permeability constant. Do your results agree with this equation? Explain.

8.   The permeability constant for a vacuum, I-to, has a value of 4rcx10-7 Tm/A. Assuming the equation in step 8 applies to the Slinky, obtain a value of re from your graphs, and compare with the 'theoretical' value.

9.   Was your Slinky positioned along an east-west, north-south, or on some other axis? Will this have any effect on your readings?


Expert Solution


Current in Solenoid l (Ampere(A))

Magnetic Field B (mT)









Length of Solenoid (m)


Number of turns


Turns/length (per meter)


Part II

Length of Solenoid (m)

Turns/meter (per meter)

Magnetic Field B (mT)













Number of turns in Slinky



1.   Plot a graph of magnetic field B vs. the current I through the solenoid. You may launch a fresh copy of Logger Pro, or use the file "magnetic field graph' in the Lab 08 folder.

2. Determine the equation of the best-fit line, including they-intercept. Note the constants and their units.

y = 0.1361x + 0.01

where 0.1361 is the increase in field per 1 ampere increase in current

3. For each of the measurements of Part II, calculate the number of turns per meter. Enter these values in the data table.

calculated....see the table above

4. Plot a graph of magnetic field B vs. the turns per meter of the solenoid (n). Use either Graphical Analysis or graph paper.

5. How is magnetic field related to the turns/meter of the solenoid?

The magnetic field is directly proportional to the turns of the slinky

6. Determine the equation of the best-fit line to your graph. Note the constants and their units

y = 0.001483x + 0.03175

7.   From Ampere's law, it can be shown that the magnetic field B inside a long solenoid is B = µ0nl where I-to is the permeability constant. Do your results agree with this equation? Explain.

The equation suggests that B is proportional to I. The graph in part I is consistent with this prediction. The equation also suggests that B is proportional to n. The graph in part II is consistent with this prediction

8.   The permeability constant for a vacuum, I-to, has a value of 4rcx10-7 Tm/A. Assuming the equation in step 8 applies to the Slinky, obtain a value of re from your graphs, and compare with the 'theoretical' value.

what is 're ' ?????

9.   Was your Slinky positioned along an east-west, north-south, or on some other axis? Will this have any effect on your readings?

Along the north axis, no it does not affect readings as we most probably set it to zero

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