
In: Computer Science

Please use JAVA to do this: Write a method that takes four strings as parameter. The...

Please use JAVA to do this: Write a method that takes four strings as parameter. The first string should be a pokemon name, the second a pokemon type(either fire, water, or leaf, where water beats fire, fire beats leaf and leaf beats water), the third a pokemon name, and the fourth a pokemon type. The method should print out which pokemon has the advantage over the other based on their type.


Pokemon X(which is the fire type) has the advantage over Pokemon Y(which is a leaf type)

Pokemon Z(which is a water type) has the advantage over Pokemon X(which is a fire type)

Pokemon Y(which is a leaf type) has the advantage over Pokemon Z(which is a water type)


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;

class Main {

public static void pokemon(String firstPokemon, String firstPokemonType, String secondPokemon,String secondPokemonType){


System.out.println("No pokemon has any advantage over other because they are of same type");

}else if (

("Water".equals(firstPokemonType) && "Fire".equals(secondPokemonType)) ||

("Fire".equals(firstPokemonType) && "Leaf".equals(secondPokemonType)) ||

("Leaf".equals(firstPokemonType) && "Water".equals(secondPokemonType)) ) {

System.out.println("Pokemon " + firstPokemon + " which is the " + firstPokemonType + " type has the advantage over " + secondPokemon + " which is the " + secondPokemonType + " type" );



System.out.println("Pokemon " + secondPokemon + " which is the " + secondPokemonType + " type has the advantage over " + firstPokemon + " which is the " + firstPokemonType + " type" );



public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc= new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter first Pokemon : ");

String firstPokemon= sc.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter first Pokemon type, either Fire, Water or Leaf : ");

String firstPokemonType= sc.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter second Pokemon : ");

String secondPokemon= sc.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter second Pokemon type either Fire, Water or Leaf : ");

String secondPokemonType= sc.nextLine();


pokemon(firstPokemon, firstPokemonType, secondPokemon,secondPokemonType);



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