
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program to print all the perfect numbers below a certain given number. A...

Write a C++ program to print all the perfect numbers below a certain given number.

A perfect number is a number that that is equal too the sum of it's divisors other than itself . For example, 6 and 28 are all perfect numbers.

6 = ( 1+2 +3)

28 = (1+2+4+7+14)

Make sure your program conforms to the following requirements:

1. Accept the upper limit from the user (as an integer).

2. Make sure the number is positive (at least 1).

3. Go from 1 to to the upper limit and print all numbers that are perfect.

Sample Runs:

NOTE: not all possible runs are shown below.

Sample Run 1

Welcome to the locate perfect numbers program...
What is the upper value?30
The following are perfect numbers...

Process finished with exit code 0

Sample Run 2

Welcome to the locate perfect numbers program...
What is the upper value?-8
What is the upper value? (must be an integer > 0)0
What is the upper value? (must be an integer > 0)500
The following are perfect numbers...


Expert Solution

In case of any query, do comment. Please rate your answer. Thanks

Please use below code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    int upperValue = 0, sumOfDivisors=0;

    cout<<"Welcome to the locate perfect numbers program..."<<endl;

    cout<<"What is the upper value? " ;


    cin>> upperValue;

    //if upper value not in range, ask again to take input

    while(upperValue <= 0)


        cout<<"What is the upper value? (must be an integer > 0) ";

        cin>> upperValue;



    //Print the perfect numbers

    cout<<"The following are perfect numbers..."<<endl;

    //iterate through 1 to uppervalue

    for (int number = 1; number <= upperValue; number++) {

        //reset the sum of divisors to 0

        sumOfDivisors =0;


        for(int i=1; i<number; i++)


            //find divisor of the number and add it to sumOfDivisors

            if(number % i == 0)


                sumOfDivisors = sumOfDivisors + i;




        //after all divisors check if sumOfDivisors is equal to number then print the number

        if(sumOfDivisors == number)

            cout<< number<< endl;




    return 0;


===================screen shot of the code=========================


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