
In: Computer Science

HPP Software House has been assigned as Lead developer for CIMM Bank Mobile Application. a) Prepare...

HPP Software House has been assigned as Lead developer for CIMM Bank Mobile Application.

a) Prepare project scheduling (Gantt Chart) by implementing Agile development methodology phases. Your Gantt chart should consist of the following requirements.
i. SIX (6) phases that consist of 2 sprints.

ii. TWO (2) Task for every phases identified in the above question.

iii. FIVE (5) deliverable or milestone

b) Elaborate FOUR (4) software projects management spectrum based on the project perspective.

c) Describe THREE (3) categories of project management tools that can be used for the project. Give an example each to support your answer.


Expert Solution

Answer (b):- Four software management spectrum nased on the project perspective are:-


  • People factoe is very much important in the process of software development.
  • There are following areas for software people like, recuriting, selection, performance management, training, compensation, career development, organisation and work design, and team/culture development.
  • Organisations achieve high levels of management area.


  • Before a project can be planned, product objectives are scope be established, alternative solutions should be considered and technical and management contraints should be identified.
  • Without this information, it is impossible to define resonable estimates of the cost, an effictive assessment of risk, a realistic breakdown of project tasks, or a manageable project schedule.
  • Objectives identify the overall goals for the product without considering how these goals will be achieved.
  • Scope identifies the primary data, functions and behaviours that characterize the product.


  • A software process provides the framework from which a comprehensive plan for software development can be established.
  • A small number of frame-work activites are applicable to all software projects, regardless of their size or complexity.
  • A number of different tasks, milestones, work products and quality assurance points enable the framework activites to be adaped to the characteristics of the software project and the requirements of the project team.


  • We canduct planned and controlled software projects for one primary reason it is the only known way to manage complexity.
  • A software project manager and the software engineers who build the product must avoid a set of common warning signs, understand the critical success factors that lead to good project management, and develop a cmmon sense approch for planning, monitoring and controlling the project.

Answer (c):- Three categories of project management tools are:-

  1. Individual tool:- These tools are only used as the name suggest by individauls. That is typically the project manager. It could be a spreadsheet, or a single instance of a project planning software installed on their laptop. ​​​​​​​whatever thhe tool is, it may be installed across the organisation and in use by multiple people, but the installations are not connected. 'Individual' here relates to how it is used, and this is one piece of software for one project, used by one person.
  2. Collabrative tools:- Collaborative tools bring groups of people together to work on common files. There is one version of thruth: a single source of the project planning data, for example. But can be accessed, viewed and sometimes amended by other project team members. Example of theis types of tool would be a wiki, plan viewing applications like Seavus Project Viewer or a team intranet site. Low tech tools could even include a shared folders on the network for storing project documentation- tools don't have to be fancy to work.
  3. Integrated tools:- At this level, project data from multiple initiatives are presented. That is, a single interface presents information from a number of projects and is accessed by a number of different project teams, who all want information about their own projects. Integrated tools often have the facility to round up information so that managers can see dashboard-style data at a high level, consolidating a number of projects into a single view. For example, a project coordinator to necessarily see all the high level financial data relating to resources at eneterprise level.

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