
In: Psychology

1. Discuss child molestation, including the typical characteristics of a molester, the effects of molestation on...

1. Discuss child molestation, including the typical characteristics of a molester, the effects of molestation on the victim, the possible signs of molestation that parents should look for, and ways that parents can protect their children from these predators, including becoming aware of tactics used by molesters. 2. You are a high school health teacher and you are presenting your lecture on STDs, AIDS and safer sex practices. What information to include in this lecture?


Expert Solution

1. Discuss child molestation, including the typical characteristics of a molester, the effects of molestation on the victim, the possible signs of molestation that parents should look for, and ways that parents can protect their children from these predators, including becoming aware of tactics used by molesters

Child molestwtion is also referred to as the se-xual abuse of the child. This may take place in a number of settings, which may either be work, school or even home. Child molestwtion is where an older adolescent would bE using a child for se-xual stimulation. There may be indecent exposures or a child may be used in production of pornography.

Typical characteristics of a molester:

  • They may be thepeople who are most unsuspected
  • They are mostly people who are known and not strangers.
  • They build upon trust of the young people, as they would be identified as being vulnerable
  • Theymay either be married formerly or currently.
  • They are mostly males.

The signs of molestation include:

  • Changes in behavior
  • Sleeping problems or nightmares
  • Sudden clinginess
  • Withdrawn from people
  • Mood swings or insecurities
  • They may display fear for certain places,
  • Anger outbursts,

The preventive methods are:

  • Teaching the child about the basics of safety
  • The child requires to be aware about their body and this has to be done using an age appropriate book.
  • The child should be taught of the basic self defence techniques
  • The child has to be taught to stay in groups and about the paths that are safe enough to travel.

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