
In: Nursing

1.DEFINE and EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING (TEACHING, TREATMENT, NURSING IMPLICATIONS) a.Amblyopia b.Celiac disease c.Cryptorchidism d.Cystic fibrosis e.Cleft...

1.DEFINE and EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING (TEACHING, TREATMENT, NURSING IMPLICATIONS) a.Amblyopia b.Celiac disease c.Cryptorchidism d.Cystic fibrosis e.Cleft lip and palate f.Encephalitis g.Hookworms h.Intussusception i.Kawasaki disease;


Expert Solution

a. Amblyopia


It is also known as Lazy Eye, an early childhood diseases of impairement of visual development due to the improper stimulation of nerve pathways between te brain and eye which is  charecterised by the wandering eyes,and improper coordination of eyes.


  • If only a single is being affected,cover the childs healthy eye with a eye patch,which will stimulate the brain to use the weak eye for the vision.
  • Administration of eye drops to the strong Atropine
  • LASIK Eye surgery
  • Corrective lenses 0r contact lenses

Nursing implications

  • Administer the eye drops according to the ophthalmologist's order.
  • Advice the use of wearing eye patches to the parents.
  • It the patient is having any irriration while using the eye patches,inform to te doctor and drop the eye bluring eye drop to the (atropine) to the stronge as per the doctors order.

b. Celiac disease


It is also known as celiac sprue or gluten sensitive enteropathy.It is a serious auto immune disease occuring in the human due to the intake of gluten.The celiac disease is damaging the small intestine due to the gluten intake.


  • The celiac diseases can be treated only with the intake of glutein free diets
  • Correct the nutritional defeciencies
  • Administration od anti inflammatory medication to control the intestinal inflammation

Nusring Implications

  1. Advice the patient to check the food label for "gluten free".
  2. Advice the patient to take the strict glutein free foods such as fruits,freash meat,vegitables etc.
  3. Advice the patient to avoid the intake of
  • Wheat
  • Spelt
  • Rye
  • Barley



The word Cryptorchidism has been derived fro the greek word "Hidden Testis"



It is also known as undescented testes because which is a congenital diseases of  male reproductive system. In normal anatomy the testes are descend in the scrotal sac during the fetal development.But in care of cryptorchidism the testes fails to decent in the scrotal sac.


  • The first and natural treatment for this condition is waiting for it's natural descend if it is not happening till the 3 months of age, surgery is the best choice of treatment.
  • Orchiopexy (surgical fixation of undescended testes to the scrotum) with in 6 months.

Nursing Implications

  • Check the surgical wound for any complications
  • Provide sterilized dressing for the surgical insicion

d. Cystic fibrosis


It is a hereditory diseases which affect the lungs and diagestive system due to the production of thick and sticky mucus which will obstruct the lungs and pancreas.


  • Airway clearance
  • Suctioning
  • Administer oxygen
  • Administration of antibiotics

nursing implications

  • Provide nebulization to the patient
  • Teachand assist the deep breathing and coughing excersices to the patient
  • Start the IV infusion
  • Check the vital signs of the patient

e. Cleft lip and Cleft palate

Cleft lip

It is a congenital anomali of the unilateral or bilateral in the upper lip between the mouth and the nose.

Cleft palate

It is also a birth defect due to the lack of tissue development which is  characterised by an opening in the roof of the mouth.


  • Cleft lip surgery between to be done between the age of 3-6 months.
  • Palatoplasty is done to close the opening between the nose and mouth
  • Speech therapy
  • Orthognathic surgery to realign the jaw and teeth
  • Lamb's nipples(Extra long nipples to fit into the open palate area)

Nursing implications

  • Provide psychological support for the parents to increase the family copying
  • Chech the breathing pattern of the child after the surgery
  • Teach the care taker how to use the Laamb's nipples

f. Encephalitis


It is the inflammation of the cerebral tissue which is caused by viral,bacterial or fungal infections.


  • Antiviral agents Eg: Ganciclovir

Nursing Implications

  • Check the orientation of the patient by using glascow coma scale
  • Check the vital signs
  • Administer te medications as per doctors order.
  • Assess for any complications

g. Hookworms


It is a paracytic infection of the human due to the penetration of the hookworm larve to the skin.


  • Administration of Albendazole 400 mg oral for adult and 200 mg in children
  • Iron therapy for worm eradication

Nursing Implications

  • Advice the patient about the importants of humal faeces disposal.
  • Advice to wear the footwear

h. Intussuception


It an abdominal emergency in childrens charectarised by the telecoping of the proximal segment of the intstine to the distal segment.


  • Enema can be given to push the intestine back to the place
  • Laprocsopic surgery( to remove the damaged intestinal tissues)

Nursing Implications

  • Assess the condition of the patient
  • Maintainthe fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Make the patient ready for the surgery

i. Kawasaki Disease


It the an auto immune disease in which te medium sized blood vessels are being inflammated or the inflammation of some part of the walls of blood vessles.


  • Administration of anti-inflammatory drugs Eg: Aspirin
  • Administration of anti coagulants Eg: Clopigrogel
  • Administration of anti platelet medications Eg:Warfarin

Nursing Implications

  • Monitor the pain
  • Monitor the patient response to the medications
  • Check the vital signs

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