
In: Psychology

Conduct further research on the topic of theories of child development. In 2-3 pages compare and...

Conduct further research on the topic of theories of child development. In 2-3 pages compare and contrast the learning and cognitive theories of Freud, Erickson, Piaget, and Vygotsky. Be sure to thoroughly explain each of the theories and give examples.


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  • Although these theorists have many differences in theories; they do have some similarities as well. Erikson’s theory followed Freud and was based on many of Freud’s ideas on the importance of unconscious development.
  • They also both separate development into stages, and utilize similar age divisions for the developmental stages.
  • Piaget and Vygotsky also have similarities in the belief that children must be actively engaged in learning socially; they also both agree that after childhood cognitive development declines.
  • Like Erikson, Piaget also breaks his stages down by age and agrees that for success in future stages; one must successfully complete the stage that they are in.
  • Piaget, Freud, Erikson, and Vygotsky have many differences and a few similarities amongst their theories. These men have provided significant research and ideas that are still talked about in psychology today. They show it is important to understand how a child or person develops to properly develop in cognition.
  • Like Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of predetermined stages. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan.
  • The two theories of development both focus on the importance of early experiences, but there are notable differences between Freud's and Erikson's ideas. Freud centered on the importance of feeding, while Erikson was more concerned with how responsive caretakers are to a child's needs.
  • Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development-
  • Freud's called this the oral stage.
  • At this point in development, a child's primary source of pleasure is through the mouth via sucking, eating, and tasting.
  • Problems with this stage can result in what Freud referred to as an oral fixation.
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development-
  • Erikson called this the trust versus mistrust stage.
  • Children learn to either trust or mistrust their caregivers.
  • The care that adults provide determines whether children develop this sense of trust in the world around them.
  • Children who do not receive adequate and dependable care may develop a sense of mistrust of others and the world.
  • While there are a number of differences between Erikson's and Freud's ideas, their theories both focus on how children develop a sense of independence and mastery.
  • Psychosexual Development:
  • Freud called this the anal stage of development.?
  • Children gain a sense of mastery and competence by controlling bladder and bowel movements.
  • Children who succeed at this stage develop a sense of capability and productivity.
  • Those who have problems at this stage may develop an anal fixation. As adults, they might be excessively orderly or messy.
  • Psychosocial Development:
  • Erikson called this the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage.
  • Children develop self-sufficiency by controlling activities such as eating, toilet training, and talking.
  • Those who succeed at this stage develop a sense of independence while those who struggle will be left doubting themselves.
  • During the preschool and early elementary years, Freud's theory was much more concerned with the role of the libido while Erikson's theory was more focused on how children interact with parents and peers.
  • Freud's Theory:
  • Freud referred to this as the phallic stage.
  • The libido's energy is focused on the genitals. Children begin to identify with their same-sex parent.
  • Boys experience the Oedipus complex while girls experience the Electra complex.
  • Erikson's Theory:
  • Erikson's called this the initiative versus guilt stage.
  • Children begin to take more control over their environment.
  • Those who are successful at this stage develop a sense of purpose while those who struggle are left with feelings of guilt.
  • Freud believed that this age served as more of a transitional period between childhood and adolescence. Erikson, on the other hand, believed that kids continue to forge a sense of independence and competence.
  • Psychosexual Development:
  • Freud referred to this as the latent period.
  • The libido's energy is suppressed and children are focused on other activities such as school, friends, and hobbies.
  • Freud believed this stage was important for developing social skills and self-confidence.
  • Psychosocial Development:
  • Erikson called this the industry versus inferiority stage.
  • Children develop a sense of competence by mastering new skills.
  • Kids who succeed at this stage develop pride in their accomplishments while those who struggle may be left feeling incompetent.
  • Adolescence played a critical role in both Freud's and Erikson's theories of development. In both theories, teens begin to forge their own sense of identity.
  • Freud's Theory:
  • Freud referred to this point in psychosexual development as the genital stage.
  • Children begin to explore romantic relationships.
  • The goal of this stage is to develop a sense of balance between all the areas of life. Those who have successfully completed the earlier stages are now warm, caring and well-adjusted.
  • Erikson's Theory:
  • Erikson's called this point in psychosocial development the identity versus role confusion stage.
  • Children develop a personal identity and sense of self.
  • Teens explore different roles, attitudes, and identities as they develop a sense of self.
  • Those who receive support and encouragement will emerge with a strong sense of who they are and what they want to accomplish.
  • Those who struggle to forge a strong identity will remain confused about who they are and what they want to do with their life.
  • Freud's theory focused exclusively on development between birth and the teen years, implying that personality is largely set in stone by early childhood. Erikson, on the other hand, took a lifespan approach and believed that development continues even in to old age.
  • Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development:
  • Freud's theory largely focuses on the period between birth and adolescence.
  • According to Freud, the genital stage lasts throughout adulthood. He believed the goal is to develop a balance between all areas of life.
  • Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development:
  • Eriksons' theory includes three more stages that span adulthood. These three stages are:
  • Intimacy vs Isolation: Young adults seek out romantic love and companionship.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation: Middle-aged adults nurture others and contribute to society.
  • Integrity vs Despair: Older adults reflect on their lives, looking back with a sense of fulfillment or bitterness.
  • In summary,
  • Both Freud and Erikson recognize the importance of the unconscious mind on personality development. Both theorists center development around a form of conflict. When the conflict is not resolved appropriately, emotional distress occurs, which can lead to mental illness. Childhood is crucial to personality formation, and both theories say that childhood trauma can distort the development of personality.
  • The nature of conflict differs between Freud and Erikson. Freud's conflict centers around sex. Erikson's theory takes a the psychosocial approach, which means that people are shaped by society and desire to be part of a group. In Erikson's theory, conflict is resolved when a person learns to love and care for others. In Freud's theory, conflict is resolved when a person receives adequate gratification during the early stages of development.
  • Piaget and Vygostky-
  • Similarities
  • Children learn increasingly complex information and skills as they get older
  • Emphasis on both nature and nurture - Both recognise the role of heredity and maturation of the brain and body=nature. Piaget recognises how children meet the demands of their environment
  • Children's cognitive abilities develop in a sequence and particular abilities develop at certain stages
  • Differences-
  • Piaget said that cognitive development is driven by a child's inbuilt tendency to adapt to new experiences whereas Vygotsky said that cognitive development is driven by social interaction
  • Piaget stated children learn through active self-discovery; Vygotsky said children learn through instruction and guidance
  • Piaget believed cognitive development is the same universally whereas Vygotsky said that it differs across cultures and time
  • Piaget believed children will only learn when they are ready, whereas Vygotsky believed that development could be accelerated to an extend, with correct scaffolding and within the ZPD
  • Piaget believed that language is a result of cognitive developement; Vygotsky said that language is key to cognitive development.
  • The key difference between Piaget and Vygotsky is that Piaget believed that self-discovery is crucial, whereas Vygotsky stated that learning is done through being taught by a More Knowledgeable Other.
  • In summary,
  • Like Piaget, Vygotsky believe children are active in their own learning, by exploring their environment which helped shape their own knowledge. Vygotsky theory can be applied to education as it is concern how a child is taught. Vygotsky emphasized that the most important force into a child development was the social environment unlike Piaget theory of development heavily focus on the evolutionary biology.
  • Piaget idea had a huge influence on British education. The Ploweden report was an prominent, influential and emphasised many of Piagetian principles such as development age, readiness and the developmental stages.
  • Vygotsky's theory has high implication for education; especially in the recent years as he stresses out the importance of social interaction with more experienced others as an essential, as education was a fundamental aspect of human development.
  • Peer tutoring is a key concept as children learn little when on their own or from a teacher who so advance, but rather with children a year or two ahead of those being taught. This is seen to be scaffolding.
  • The zone of proximal development helps as a guide to help children achieve according to their abilities. Finally as Piaget influences argues children should be 'active learner', Vygotsky believes children should learn through play, especially through role plays as children operate beyond their usual level of thinking.

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