
In: Operations Management

Adirondack Savings Bank (ASB) has $1 million in new funds that must be allocated to home...

Adirondack Savings Bank (ASB) has $1 million in new funds that must be allocated to home loans, personal loans, and automobile loans. The annual rates of return for the three types of loans are 6% for home loans, 14% for personal loans, and 10% for automobile loans. The bank’s planning committee has decided that at least 40% of the new funds must be allocated to home loans. In addition, the planning committee has specified that the amount allocated to personal loans cannot exceed 60% of the amount allocated to automobile loans.

(a) Formulate a linear programming model that can be used to determine the amount of funds ASB should allocate to each type of loan to maximize the total annual return for the new funds. If the constant is "1" it must be entered in the box. If your answer is zero enter “0”.
Let H = amount allocated to home loans
P = amount allocated to personal loans
A = amount allocated to automobile loans
Max H + P + A
H + P + A Minimum Home Loans
H + P + A Personal Loan Requirement
H + P + A = Amount of New Funds
(b) How much should be allocated to each type of loan?
Loan type Allocation
Home $
Personal $
Automobile $
What is the total annual return?
If required, round your answer to nearest whole dollar amount.
What is the annual percentage return?
If required, round your answer to two decimal places.
(c) If the interest rate on home loans increases to 9%, would the amount allocated to each type of loan change?
- Select your answer -YesNoItem 21
The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.
(d) Suppose the total amount of new funds available is increased by $10,000. What effect would this have on the total annual return? Explain.
If required, round your answer to nearest whole dollar amount.
An increase of $10,000 to the total amount of funds available would increase the total annual return by $ .
(e) Assume that ASB has the original $1 million in new funds available and that the planning committee has agreed to relax the requirement that at least 40% of the new funds must be allocated to home loans by 1%. How much would the annual return change?
If required, round your answer to nearest whole dollar amount.
How much would the annual percentage return change?
If required, round your answer to two decimal places.


Expert Solution



Loan type Allocation
Home $400000
Personal $225000
Automobile $375000

Total Annual Return = $93000

Annual Percentage Return =( 93000/1000000)*100 = 9.3%


No, the allocation will not change. If the interest rate on home loans is changed to 9%, still the home loans would have the least return of all the loans.


Total annual return would increased by 94150-93000 = $ 1150


Change in annual return = 93550 - 93000 = $550

New return % = (93550/1000000)*100 = 9.355%

Change in % return = 9.355 - 9.3 = 0.055%

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