In: Computer Science
Program 1: Social Security Payout. If you’re taking this course, chances are that you’re going to make a pretty good salary – especially 3 to 5 years after you graduate. When you look at your paycheck, one of the taxes you pay is called Social Security. In simplest terms, it’s a way to pay into a system and receive money back when you retire (and the longer you work and the higher your salary, the higher your monthly benefit). Interestingly, your employer will pay the same amount for you. The current tax rate is 6.2% until you make approximately $132,900.
For this assignment, we’re going to help out hourly employees. Design (pseudocode) and implement (source code) a program that asks users how much they make per hour, the number of hours they work per week, and calculates the yearly income. For the second half, the program should calculate and display the amount of Social Security tax the user will pay for that year. You must write and use at least two functions in addition to the main function. At least one function must not have a void return type. Note, don’t forget to put the keywords “public” and “static” in front of your functions. Document your code and properly label the input prompt and the outputs as shown below.
Sample run 1:
Enter hourly wage: 10
Enter your hours per week: 40
You will earn $20800.0 per year
You will pay $1289.6 in Social Security tax
Sample run 2:
Enter hourly wage: 40
Enter your hours per week: 60
You will earn $124800.0 per year
You will pay $7737.6 in Social Security tax
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
double wage;
int hours;
double tota;
//reading wage
cout<<"Enter hourly wage: ";
//readig hours
cout<<"Enter you works per week: ";
//finding weekly total
double total= hours * wage;
//finding yearly total
total=total * 52;
//fining tax
double tax=total * 0.062;
cout<<"You will earn $"<<total<<" per year"<<endl;
cout<<"You will pay $"<<tax<<" In Social Security tax";
return 0;
DECLARE wage,hours,total;
OUTPUT: "Enter hourly wage: ";
READ wage;
//readig hours
OUTPUT "Enter you works per week: ";
READ hours;
//finding weekly total
total= hours * wage;
//finding yearly total
total=total * 52;
//fining tax
tax=total * 0.062;
OUTPUT "You will earn $",total," per year"
OUTPUT "You will pay $",tax," In Social Security
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